by robnmona 22 Nov 2008

New embroiderer have Customizer cat silhouette design should fit in B hoop on Janome 9700 program says outside the stitch area can't save Mona


by colmag 23 Nov 2008

Looks like you have your answer, if you are unable to follow the instructions, just contact Janome direct they are very helpful and will tell you what to do.

by elaine45 23 Nov 2008 are very will really enjoy this site...

by dlonnahawkins 23 Nov 2008

Welcome robmona - i don't have a Janome, nor the Customizer, but I just had something similar when I was putting a design to my jump drive - My software was telling me that the stitch area was outside the hoop. I had to combine stitches, even though I had not done anything to the design. I hope you can get your answer, and come back often.

by gramsbear 23 Nov 2008

Can't help with the problem, I have a Viking and 3D emb program, BUT I sure can give you a BIG WELCOME. Hope you come back often. Flower to you!

by sueffb1 23 Nov 2008

Well, I have no idea about all of this as I have a Brother Innovis. But, I can tell you that mpo14011 and jrob always know their "stuff"!! They are great fountains of information!! Just let me welcome you to this wonderful site and you will be hooked to embroidering in a very short period of time. Again Welcome. Sue *4U & all

by jrob Moderator 23 Nov 2008

Welcome! Appears that Ricky got you headed in the right direction. I couldn't stress more that you should go to classes on your machine from your dealer. I drove 90 miles 1 way for classes when I first started and it was so worth it. If I remember back that far, it seemed to take me about 3 months to muddle through and feel like I "sorta" knew what I was doing even after class. Just be patient, read your manuals, do the tutorials if you have them, and sign up for any class pertaining to your baby. Mostly, have fun!

by marjialexa Moderator 23 Nov 2008

Hi, and Welcome to Cute! Ricky's (mpo14011) advice is great. I don't have Customizer, I have the Digitizer Pro by Janome. Once you take the time to read the instructions, these programs are great to use. It takes a bit of learning, but if you use programs like Microsoft Publisher, it works like that does. If you got your machine from a dealer, she should give you free lessons on your Customizer, I urge you to take advantage of those. Failing that, go to the Janome web site, there are tutorials there that should help you with it. It's a valuable tool when you know how to use it. Best of luck to you, and return often!! Marji

by relaxsew 23 Nov 2008

Welcome, looks like you have found the answers that you were looking for.

by lbrow 23 Nov 2008

U have had a lot of answers robn I hope wone of them has been of help to u.I know it's all a matter of repositioning but I know nothing about the customizer, so hope the others info has bn useful. *4U

by gerryvb 23 Nov 2008

Perhaps you can download buzz-tools or buzztools edit from the web(somebody did for me), I have this on my pc. and do everything in that program.

mpo14011 by mpo14011 23 Nov 2008

No Gerry, she won't need Buzz tools for this.That is what the customizer is for. It should have a book of instructions with it. It is just a matter of reading the instructions or the help section.

gerryvb by gerryvb 23 Nov 2008

okay, sorry

by nurselilly 23 Nov 2008

Sorry i dont have customizer as i have a brother machine and use pe design buts heres a * 4 U :)

by mpo14011 23 Nov 2008

Hi, sorry I didn't see this sooner.Save the file on your desktop. Open the customizer then click on Easy Edit.Go to Files and click on Import Design. Then import the design from your desktop.Click on Edit and go to Auto Layout. Click on center. This will center your design. Then go back into Edit and click on Hoop Size. Click on the appropriate size hoop for the design.You can now write it on to your card. If you save the file from Easy Edit it will save as a caf (layout file).It will still be in JEF format. If you want to save it in the JEF format rather then the caf file, save it from your card onto your design files on your computer.
If you have any problems with this, e-mail me. My e-mail is in my profile.
If you are talking about the 2 applique cats, then it is just a matter of rotating the design by 90 degrees in Easy import when you double click on the design. T do this you go to Create, then click on Return to Edit.A box will come up and you can rotate the design by clicking onto 90 in Rotate.

by dianned 23 Nov 2008

I use Customiser all the time : if the dimensions of the image should fit, then it probably just needs rotating (the icon at the top of Customiser which looks like arrows chasing each other.) Hope this helps. Love and a flower to all from Dianne x x x

by michelej 23 Nov 2008

Welcome... Can`t help you wth this one, but looks like you got some great answers...

by nonna57 23 Nov 2008

Welcome. I am still learning about my customiser, this is good Thanks for asking :)

getEdited - SELECT
by sherylac 23 Nov 2008

hello Mona and welcome I have this customizer as well and I get the same response as you for some of my designs as well. I had recently posted a question about this same problem and Ricky actually helped me out, though I still am having some problems as I am not used to it yet. If you click on my name it will show you all of my questions there and there will be the response from Ricky, mps, her name is here and I hope this will help you***4u

1 comment
sherylac by sherylac 23 Nov 2008

sorry Ricky, mpo14011 is her name!!

by toet 23 Nov 2008

Hi welcome,i use costomizer,it takes time to find your way around,i still have so much to learn. Not long ago i had the same problem. If you go into to the Designs by cuties at the top right side of your screen,look for [Tango 1 Dancers in colour] you will find the answer to your problem. I hope this helps. *4U

by robnmona 23 Nov 2008

thanks gals. I am working on it. I find this program difficult to work with but don't have anything to compare it to since this is my first program. I do hope it gets easier. I also have the gigahoop and I know the jist of how it is suppose to work with design 1 going one way then turn the hoop around for the other design. I have a problem getting designs into the program. I put one in and it only has side one to stitch. One day I will sit down and see what I get when I stitch that side one. What an adventure. Mona

1 comment
toet by toet 23 Nov 2008

I was so lost when i bought my embroidery machine,i understand your frustration. Gigahoop is tricky till you get the hang of it,take your time reading the instructions first,then go back to where you bought your machine from,ask them to do it with you a step at the time. Its a good idea to take a note book with you. cheers flowers for you

by jasanne 22 Nov 2008

Welcome to the cute family. Assuming you are referring to the two cats from Cute. I just opened the .jef file and they need rotating in the hoop. I have customiser too but I'm not very good with it. I think you can rotate using easyedit. Try importing the design into it. Hopefully another cutie who is good with customiser will see this post and give you better instructions.

by shirlener88 22 Nov 2008

robnmona, WELCOME to the CUTE family - I do not have a Janome 9700 program - but in my program - you can click on the design and center it in the stitching area - I don't know if this will help or not - but one of the CUTE family will be along shortly - that has this program - I am sure of it.