toet, I have seen that bag in a magizine - did you get instructions on the making of it? I know you will be asked - so prepare yourself for that - Hehehe! I look forward to view yours. As for the posting in projects - you have to know where your picture is on your pc and that it is a jpg file - you hit the add project button - then title it - give a good detailed description - where, how, when, who - how big - what you used to make it - then you browse to locate where on your pc your picture is and highlight it and upload it - put a tag at the bottom - something like the title - then click submit or save - then watch - the picture and details will show up - then you just go to projects and view it. Have fun - if you need help - just ask or PM me - I will assist you.
Thankyou, for your helpfull information, i type with one finger HE HE. We were not given a fact sheet. The lady that gave us instructions made it simple. I will send in instrustions in the next couple of days,i will try to keep it as easy as i can. It took us only about fourty minutes to make. It lends to a much prettier bag using embroidery.