by manami 28 Nov 2008

some pages to print out. Christmas theme is on the little icon with the Xmas tree inside, or just click on the picture of the Santa. It has a cute origami box that can be used for small gifts too.


by shirlener88 30 Nov 2008

Yoriko, thank you so much! I love folded paper.

by mops Moderator 30 Nov 2008

Thank you, Yoriko, this is fun! I watched the video and it's simple to follow the steps. Now I'll have to get my a packet of papers and practice before I show the grandchildren.

by asterixsew Moderator 30 Nov 2008

Thanks for the info on this site. I liked the video to show you how to fold. I also liked the paper that can be printed out. I have to say I am not good at origami. Small Japanese children have been enterteined at my poor origami skills. Its quite something when a 5-6 year old patiently shows you what to do, a humbling experience. Their work always looks excellent in comparison. Arigato, sayonara.

by jrob Moderator 29 Nov 2008

Awesome Yoriko! I'll have something to entertain DGC over the Christmas Holidays instead of baking...these are fat free aren't they?

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Nov 2008

Hi, Yoriko!! Thanks for the origami site, it's great! The directions for making the pieces are just so simple, even without language. They show you exactly how to make the folds in a little video sort of way. Even I can understand it, hee hee hee. I think to place this post here is good, because it's very unusual. I'd also put the site in bookmarks, too, though, because if anyone wants to find it at a later date, it would probably be easier to find it there than trying to find this post again. Thanks for showing us, I've always loved origami!! Hugs, Marji

by lbrow 29 Nov 2008

Orgami has always fascinated me. I have a friend who has a Scout Troop & uses it a lot for craft Projects 4 her girl Scouts. Will pass this on to her *4U Yoriko

by 2createit 29 Nov 2008

Thank you Yoriko,this wil keep us busy over the school holidays, Louise

1 comment
manami by manami 29 Nov 2008

They are so fun to make, Louise. I think your kids will enjoy those. (Love your new avatar!)

by reddish 29 Nov 2008

Thank you for helping us here who don't know about some of these sites; very interesting & alot for holidays, and other times. Relates to crafts & sewing,too. Reddish

1 comment
manami by manami 29 Nov 2008

Thanks for replying, Reddish. I am glad you like origamis, just a little bit of my culture, and it can be used in crafts as well.

by tinfriend 28 Nov 2008

Thanx - I must try this! *4U!

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Nov 2008

I think you will enjoy this. Thanks for replying, TF!

by emily16838 28 Nov 2008

Thank totally cool we fold stuff all the time

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Nov 2008

Sure we do...I prefer this better than folding clothes :)

by meganne 28 Nov 2008

I love Origami so you have my thanks, i will mark this post for later. hugs n roses, M

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Nov 2008

So do I, Meganne. I used this site a lot when I was working as a teacher. Kids love that.

by michelej 28 Nov 2008

Thanks Yoriko. I have actually done origamai on cards before. It is so easy...Great site, thanks..

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Nov 2008

You will find very nice envelopes there too, with regular and heart format. They are fun to make.

by manami 28 Nov 2008

oops, forgot to put the link.