by dstipdonk 29 Nov 2008

I need help. How do I upload a project? One cutie gave me instructions, but I can't get it to work! Any suggestions, ladies and gents?


by shirlener88 29 Nov 2008

Deb, so sorry you are having trouble - first off - you have to make sure your file - is a jpg and that it is in a size smaller than 5x7 or close - then you save it - make a note where it is - you go into the MY ACCOUNT - MY PROJECTS - POST PROJECT - add a TITLE - a DISCRIPTION - in detail so you will not have to answer alot of question (where, size, that sort of thing, and/or what?) - where it says IMAGE - you BROWSE on your PC for the file you saved - HIGHLIGHT it - click the OPEN button - the name will appear in the IMAGE window - use a TAG - like the TITLE so we can find it later in a search - OK? Hope this helps. Good luck!