by manami 01 Dec 2008

I need help. Few weeks ago I downloaded a mini purse in hoop, and I can't find it in my computer. Does anybody know the web site for it?


by celticlady1031 01 Dec 2008

Have you tried doing a search on your computer? I have found missing designs that way. Let us know if you find it. Good luck.

by sissibrode 01 Dec 2008

Sorry...I don't know. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

Thanks anyway, Sissi!

by iris2006 01 Dec 2008

Yoriko, I don't know the site bur I have a tip for you. Every design that I donwload I change the name and add the sitename to the excisting name. So you can find it back always. Good luck

1 comment
manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

I've doing this lately... Learned the lesson again... Thanks Iris.

by 2createit 01 Dec 2008

Hi Yoriko, was it Cassandra's Embroidery ( not my Cassandra haha) Louise :)

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

I'll take a look there.

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

Not there, thanks Louise.

by manami 01 Dec 2008

here's the picture. I just saved that...I guess...cant find the file for that.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 01 Dec 2008

Oh my - I see you have shared the picture - I don't remember seeing it - but it sure is cute.

by shirlener88 01 Dec 2008

Yoriko - was it a freebie or one that you purchased? If it was a purchase - you may have received an email in referrance to it. I would try Stitch Delight or A Stitch and A Half - if it were me looking for a purse in the hoop. Good luck - can you do a search in your data base - say search for purse or in the hoop?

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

It was frebbie. I just saved the picture...silly me

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

I looked everywhere... :(

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

Thank you, Shirlene.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 01 Dec 2008

You are welcome. If you have the picture - perhaps you can share it with us and one of us - might recognize it. OK?

by mops Moderator 01 Dec 2008

Yoriko, could it be this one?

shirlener88 by shirlener88 01 Dec 2008

Oh my - a new hairdo?

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

Unfortunatelly its not that one.

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

Martine!!! didnt recognize you!!! nice avatar, though.

by manami 01 Dec 2008

Thanks in advance!

michelej by michelej 01 Dec 2008

Sorry Yoriko, but hope you find it....
Hugs Michele

manami by manami 01 Dec 2008

Thank you Michele! I have an idea with that, tell you later.

michelej by michelej 01 Dec 2008

Okey Dokey!!