by meganne 05 Dec 2008

I've been on such a downer ever since that even the thought of a new machine can't lift my spirits. All I have left now is to go to a pain management specialist and hope he will be able to find something I can take to get some relief from this constant drain on my well being. I swear I've aged 10 years in the last 2. I'm so tired, i'm worn out and utterly exhausted. I'm going to bed and hopefully I will wake up tomorrow with greater strength to cope with this constant drain on my very existence.

hugs n blessings, Meganne


by celticlady1031 12 Dec 2008

Ah, my poor Meg. What a plateful you have going on right now. I can't believe there is nobody out there who can help. I have my fingers crossed that this new guy will be able to help. In the mean time, maybe acupuncture or another type of alternative medicine will help with the pain. Hugs and nothing but good thoughts going your way.

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Dec 2008

Oh, my heart is aching for you, Meganne!!! To go with hope, then have that hope dashed!! I think you should call the other specalist your 'young man' recommended as soon as possible!! Pardon my being a bit nasty, but if a man were in this kind of pain, not only wouldn't he get out of bed, but the doctors would bend over backwards to find a way to fix it!! The pain of women is not taken seriously. Look how many women die of heart attacks because their symptoms are not given any credibility. And when we fight for our right to be heard, we're called bi*ches. Well, fight anyway, Meg!! Until it can be fixed, pain management might work. My first late DH was given Neurontin, generic name gabapentin, for nerve pain in his arm. Sounds like the break might be irritating nerves, and nerve pain can be the worst kind. Gabapentin is specific to nerve pain. Also, maybe something can be done with a TENS unit, I forget what the letters stand for, but it gives little buzzy electric shocks to the affected nerves, deadening the pain. I use one of these for my hand, and it helps a lot! I don't know if it can be used on the face, though, you might accidentally fry your brain, hee hee hee. Worth asking about, though. Might also think about an anti-depressant? A certain amount of depression has to accompany such constant pain, first; but second, some anti-depressants have pain-relieving qualities not fully understood, maybe less muscle tightness due to tensing againsst the pain? Cymbalta here in USA is marketed as having both anti-depressant and pain-relieving qualities. And, may sound silly, but cry. Let Ray hold you while you cry out your frustration. Something to do with endorphins that I can't remember right now. Hang in there, Precious, we're with you! (Do I have to give a disclaimer about the medical advice? Hee hee hee, just repeating what worked for me & others I know, I'm obviously not a doctor.) Love you, Marji

by mops Moderator 07 Dec 2008

Oh Meganne, I'm so sorry this man was so negative. I hope you make sure to get a second opinion from someone far more sympathetic! Don't give up! You are in my prayers. Bear hug, Martine

by nonna57 07 Dec 2008

ouch dear one thinking of you . ;) x x

by blackie 07 Dec 2008

Sweet meaganne - u can't not seek a second opinion. There is someone out there that can fix you!!!! Continue your painful path to finding the light at the end of the tunnel, my love and thoughts are with u always - Diane

by lbrow 06 Dec 2008

Meg, Do not give up, Get a 2nd opinion please. My 75yr. old aunt had jawbone deteriation with all the pain they did surgery, rebuilt the jawbone, but had to do it with 2 seperate surgeries. the pain is gone now in her face & jaw & she can ea. again after being on soft & liquids for more than 6 mos. It took a long time she lost a lot of her own teeth but has partials now. Lillian

by shirlener88 06 Dec 2008

Meg, dear one - we can not ease the pain - but we can pray for you and support you when you let us - we only hope that you get the support from the specialist while you are there, as well. You can get through this - you have a wedding to plan. Hehehe!

by shirleysisson 06 Dec 2008

Meg, I'm so sorry to hear what the surgeon had to say yesterday, but glad to hear that this technician understands your situation. There is still time before Christmas - rather phone the other specialist now. Maybe there is a chance he could see you sooner. My prayers are still with you and I'm sending you a great big cyber-HUG.(((((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))

by jrob Moderator 06 Dec 2008

Meganne, you do not give up yet......not until the last dr. in Australia says there is nothing to do, then you can come to the US and stay with me and we will visit doctors here! I know what you mean about aging, pain will do that to you, but there is something that can be done and don't accept anything less than a realistic plan. My prayers continue.;)

by meganne 06 Dec 2008

Well, this morning i visited my darling sweet, caring "Denture" Technician, I can say that cause he's younger than my sons and he's a really caring young man. Well I took the dental reports for him to look at and he was astounded that the Oral & Maxi,,,,, couldn't help me, and he has given me the name of another specialist who I will follow up on after Christmas.
I don't believe for one minute that something can't be done to FIX whatever is the cause of all this pain. Honestly, if it was a man suffering like this, he wouldn't get out of bed each day!!!
Thanks for caring friends, I won't let it get me down!!! hugs n blessings, M

stitchship by stitchship 06 Dec 2008

Praise the Lord for a young man with wisdom and that He (the Lord answers prayers)! I hope you make your appointment soon, so you can be seen when you want to. I am still praying for you. Hugs to you.

marjialexa by marjialexa 07 Dec 2008

Bringing this back to the top. M

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 07 Dec 2008

I believe there is someone who can help you. I wish you didn't have to wait until after Christmas to see this new specialist. Wouldn't it be wonderful for you to have a Holiday without such pain. How I wish I could help you! I have been so sick with the flu - feeling very sorry for myself - then I read your message and I know what I have is just a drop in the bucket compaired to your pain. I am ashamed of myself! Keep your chin up - Blessings to you! L

by crafter2243 Moderator 05 Dec 2008

Dear Meganne. My heart aches for. I am so sorry to hear what this surgeon had to say. Keep looking and I keep praying that you might find some relief for your pain wether through medication or another doctor.

by dlonnahawkins 05 Dec 2008

Oh, Meganne, we are so sorry that you are having such rough time. If some of these doctors only knew what we really are going through at time then maybe they could find answers for us. Blessing to you, and hope for a better day for you.

by clawton 05 Dec 2008

Sorry to hear that. I too think I'd check with another doctor. Seems like something could be done. Thoughts are with you!

by stitchship 05 Dec 2008

I am so sorry! I would consult other doctors, and I would google the exact problem and maybe even look for a University that might be doing research in such a condition. You don't have to stay within your country. It is amazing, but the Lord has people doing amazing things in the medical field, all over the world.

I know that pain isn't fun... and the drugs they use for them are awful. I know from experience. But you keep your chin up, and remember that we are praying for you. The Lord hears our prayers. He said in His precious word,

"Matthew 18:19
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven."

We are here agreeing to pray for you, for your healing. I send you a big hug, and lots of prayers.

To imagine how you must be hurting, and you take time to think of us... Take care

by quiltgrama 05 Dec 2008

I would try another doctor maybe two or three even dont give up yet. I am thinking about you every day so are all the cuties here. take care Love Lisa

by mpo14011 05 Dec 2008

I am so sorry Meganne.I hope something can be done.

by blhamblen 05 Dec 2008

I was thinking of you all day yesterday and was going to send a PM when I saw your post...I'm so sorry that there is nothing he can do...Pain Managment can't be all that bad, my bro in law has severe neck pain from 3 car accidents..and besides the meds he found relief from ..get this...walking on a treadmill...I don't know HOW or WHY but it works for him....PLEASE give a try to anyting they suggest...You need to get back to being yourself:)

by manami 05 Dec 2008

Oh, Meganne, I'm so sorry to hear that! It's so sad when you have to deal with something that doesnt have anything that can be done. Have you ever tried another doctor? Interesting, that is what I said yesterday to a friend in Japan too, I've aged 10 years in the last 6 months. Be strong, Meganne. You are in my prayers. Blessings, Yoriko.