by manami 11 Dec 2008

finally he went to 'Crazy Clark' and bought me paper. I did draw some designs and I'm glad the day was not totally lost. :) Thanks for listening. Love you all.


by blhamblen 11 Dec 2008

I once told my hubby that IF I had to go to another car show then HE had to go to my annual Quilt show. He knows tht I leave by 9 and don't get home til 4. That was the last car show I went to...He never did go to a quilt show. Enjoy the time together inthe car taraveling BUT get yourself a needlework project for the sitting time:)

1 comment
manami by manami 12 Dec 2008

That was a good deal, Barb. Got some drawings done today :)

by mariahail 11 Dec 2008

Yoriko, my exhusband used to collect antique radios, I went with him to so many boring places!!!My favorite was one time we were going to a flemarket, they were open only once a month, we drove about 6 hours to get there and I was in a real bad mood, but trying not to let it show, finaly we arrive to the town were they were supposed to held this famous felamarket, and guess what? My husband had confused the dates and it was the wrong weekend, that was so funny we laugh all the way home. ******

manami by manami 12 Dec 2008

I'm glad you went the way home laughing...I was in a bad mood yesterday, and in the all the way back home. Today was ok, I had my 'drawing toys' tob play with :)

manami by manami 12 Dec 2008

oops, too play with :D

by manami 11 Dec 2008 to Brisbane again, with my tiny bag for travel :) See you later!!!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 11 Dec 2008

Yoriko, so glad you have a tiny bag for travel with you - this time - Hehehe!

manami by manami 12 Dec 2008

:) thank you Shirlene!!!

by michelej 11 Dec 2008

Yoriko, if I had of known, he could of dropped you off here for the day and we could of done some sewing or something....It would of been more exciting for you......

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manami by manami 11 Dec 2008

I didnt know that would take the whole day! Next time...Thank you, Michele, you are so kind!

by sissibrode 11 Dec 2008

lol I know that ! *4U

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manami by manami 11 Dec 2008

You've been there too :)

by ssarner 11 Dec 2008

Yoriko, I had many & many of those situations that I really did not want to go with him. So, I learned that I will bring my laptop with wireless that I don't need any hot spot. From then on, he is happy that i am there & I am happy that I do not waste my time and I keep up with all your cuties. That part of the money is well spend.

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manami by manami 11 Dec 2008

I need a wireless laptop then...I got one, but the battery only lasts for 20 minutes...what a shame. Thank you Soi!

by jrob Moderator 11 Dec 2008

Yoriko, have you ever quilted? You can take hand piecing with you when you have "chores" like that to do and you would be amazed at how quickly those blocks add up. All that is required is a little bit of pre-planning to have some pieces cut and a tiny bag of supplies for travel. ;)

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manami by manami 11 Dec 2008

I wish I knew how to quilt. I've never even saw one in person! And I love the quilts posted on projects. Next time, I know what to do, papers, crayons, resources in a tiny bag!!! Thank you, Jerrilyn!

by minnieb 11 Dec 2008

we gave up on car auctions years ago the car yards get a % off what they bid
I hate looking at cars the most boring thing you can do . show us you drawings

1 comment
manami by manami 11 Dec 2008

Minnie, mostly can you get inspired in a place like that?

by shirlener88 11 Dec 2008

Yoriko, so happy that your DH finally saw that you needed something else to do - car auctions have to be very difficult to attend unless you are bidding or selling. Hehehe!

manami by manami 11 Dec 2008

Oh Shirlene, I just feel I'm worn-out!!! Tomorrow again, to pick up the car...

shirlener88 by shirlener88 11 Dec 2008

Oh my!