by mygypsy2 13 Dec 2008

Someone please tell me how to change my email addy I signed up with? I changed the password on that acct & lost it(couldn't get back into and got locked out) LOL. How do I update email here? Thx


by shirlener88 13 Dec 2008

Good luck!

1 comment
mygypsy2 by mygypsy2 13 Dec 2008

Thank you :-) I just can't believe I can't remember what I changed it to. I was very angry at the time. I guess that didn't help :-)

by celticlady1031 13 Dec 2008

When I had to change me email I had to notify Veronika. Scroll down to the bottom of the site and click on "contact us". Tell them your new email addy and they will send you an email when it is taken care of.

1 comment
mygypsy2 by mygypsy2 13 Dec 2008

Thank you so much for helping :-) I will email her. I feel really stupid that I did that. My myspace account was hacked into and I had to change everything password related. I lost my contacts in my other email but that's ok. Atleast it wasn't anything REALLY important. I can't believe some people have nothing better to do! Thanks again :-)