by manami 18 Dec 2008

adding one more layer to give more consistensy and resizing the loop in order to have the same loop size for the whole alpha. I hope you enjoy those too. Blessings&hugs, Y.


by sissibrode 19 Dec 2008

Thank you Yoriko ! hugs and *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Dec 2008

I'm glad you like them, thank you, Sissi!

by simplyrosie 19 Dec 2008

Yoriko... you're so awesome! Thank you friend... teri xoxo

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Dec 2008

And so you are! Thank you so much, Teri!!!

by shirlener88 18 Dec 2008

Yoriko, so you have altered them - from this morning? We need to download them again?

manami by manami 18 Dec 2008

No, Shirlene, you don't need to download them again, just these ones are more consistent than the other. Hugs&*

shirlener88 by shirlener88 19 Dec 2008

Well - if they are more consistent - then I want them. Hehehe!

by lbrow 18 Dec 2008

Thank u much Yoriko *

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Dec 2008

Thank you, Lillian, you and everyone here have been my inspiration to do my best for my Cute family!

by blhamblen 18 Dec 2008

How bout SMYL :)

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Dec 2008

Need a I to make SMILY :D. Thanks, Barb!

by blhamblen 18 Dec 2008

I really like these..I'm thinking of doing my daughters initials (SM) and let her hang them from her rear view mirror:)

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Dec 2008

That is nice, Barb, you have both letters already!

by elaine45 18 Dec 2008

Thank you so much...

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Dec 2008

Thank you, Elaine!

by jrob Moderator 18 Dec 2008

you are such a sweetie to share these! Thank you.;)

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Dec 2008

Thank you, Jerrilyn! I was always looking for a FSL alpha, had to make it myself. :D

by manami 18 Dec 2008

Here the pictures:

1 comment
ladyblack6940 by ladyblack6940 10 Dec 2010

can you please repost your fsl fonts thank u