by cracker 20 Dec 2008

My niece had gone to a site and a virus infected it. So now all 3 of my computers are in the shop. Grrrrrr. Had to borrow moms just to check up on everyone.

PLEASE back up all data on disk. I'd hate for this to happen to anyone else.


by iris2006 21 Dec 2008

So sorry to hear about your loss, I always backup onm an external drive and on cd's as well once a week so if it happens to me I only loose the new ones. Hope you can save some of your designs.

by ashta 21 Dec 2008

Been there, done that when my computer had an untimely end in pieces on the floor. Now I back up the files every week. Thank god for rewritable cd's! lol. You may still be able to recover lost data on the drive if you take it to a techy. Hugs

by marjialexa Moderator 21 Dec 2008

Oh, I'm so sorry!!! Good reminder to everyone, though, Please backup anything you don't want to lose. Designs, photos, documents. CD's & DVD's are cheap compared to the heartache of losing family memories, the pain in the neck of losing all those designs you paid for as well as got free. Second reminded, get good firewall protection!!! Use a virus checker! Don't go to strange sites without checking them out!! Please be aware, just because you're safe in your home, doesn't mean that your computer hasn't gotten into a "bad part of town"!! Please be safe out there, and back up anything of value to you!!!!

by blessinge 21 Dec 2008

My computer just went down about a month ago, the hard drive was crashing. Thank goodness, the computer guy was able to move most of my documents to a new hard drive. I do have all of my designs saved on floppies, CD's and a flash drive. Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but I would sure hate to loose everything.

by grandmamek 21 Dec 2008

So sorry to hear that. Thank you for reminding everybody to back up their files. I do mine on DVD's and also on an external hard drive. Maybe the computer doctor will be able to retrieve your designs for you. Sometimes they can.

by cracker 21 Dec 2008

I had backed some of mine on an external hard drive but it got infected too. Simply by being hooked up to the computer. My computer guy is installing an additional hard drive so that it can be seperate and not lose all my files next time. I even lost all my photos from the football season. (I'm their team photographer. Action shots and all) I did have some on my web site, but not all.
Oh well, life goes on.

by simplyrosie 21 Dec 2008

I have so many designs that I would hate to lose them... I have them all on an external hard drive, but I also copy them to my husband's hard drive (his HD is very large and we're all networked in the house). When I can, I am going to get another external hard drive to synchronize this one... thanks for the reminder!

I'm so sorry about your loss... :-(

by elaine45 21 Dec 2008

Sorry to hear that you lost all of your designs. I will back mine up again tomorrow. I am glad that you can get a lot of new ones at this great site.

by shirlener88 21 Dec 2008

Cracker, I am so sorry to hear that happened - I have all my files on a DVD and keep them on an External Drive - all the time and have asked for another smaller drive - for just my embroidery files for Christmas and I hope I get that - as it will be my permanant place for backing up and will not have to keep burning DVD's.

Here is the download queen - telling you all to back up your files - you don't want this to happen to you - do you?

by stitchship 21 Dec 2008

I am so sorry! I have been wanting to back mine up, but I haven't made the time. Thanks for reminding us.

by blhamblen 20 Dec 2008

I have ALL my designs on an external drive... hopefully tht doesn't go bad:(

by manami 20 Dec 2008

Oh, Cracker, I'm so sorry to hear that! Computers can be a pain, sometimes. A big hug for you.