by elaine45 22 Dec 2008

Snow in front of garage door...don't know just when we will be able to get out.


by clawton 22 Dec 2008

We haven't had snow that deep for a long time. Enjoy it if you can, stay safe and warm.

by gerryvb 22 Dec 2008

better stay warm inside then, best wishes !!

by bikermomfl 22 Dec 2008

and i thought i was cold - it's only 60 here today, brrrrrrrr

by dlonnahawkins 22 Dec 2008

Brrrr - good time to have a fire going and something nice cooking - and sitting at the sewing machine! -

1 comment
elaine45 by elaine45 23 Dec 2008

I have been doing a lot of each....

by blhamblen 22 Dec 2008

Just put on a pot o tea, a crock pot of soup and enjoy the company of each other:)

1 comment
elaine45 by elaine45 23 Dec 2008

Shall do....

by elaine45 22 Dec 2008

My husband is standing in front of the snow...

1 comment
kharriman by kharriman 22 Dec 2008

It's just as bad up here in Maine. My husband plows for a living plus he's out plowing driveways now. He's got 6 driveways to plow each snowstorm.