by ruthie 24 Dec 2008

Thanks for being here my beautiful sweeties, thanks for your love, friendship and support when things were tough - thanks for caring about me, I'll never forget how caring you all were. I hope you all have a really happy and safe Christmas. I love you all, many kisses and hugs. (((((XXXXX)))))


by lindaavolio 25 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year to you and your family.

by sherylac 24 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas to you **

by uscmom 24 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas to you also! It is 7:59 pm on Christmas Eve here; still waiting for Santa to arrive. Hope he is good to you this year. It's nice to see you posting again.

by lbrow 24 Dec 2008

Hope Santa is really good to you Ruthie Merry christmas *

by manami 24 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas to you too, Ruthie!

by shirlener88 24 Dec 2008

Ruthie, dear - so good to have you stop by and visit us - what a great Christmas present. Merry Christmas it is 3:06 pm on Christmas Eve, here.

by elaine45 24 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas to you....

by michelej 24 Dec 2008

Merry Xmas to you. It is 11.55pm here. So not long now. I am off to bed now as we have a big day in the morning. Enjoy your day...

by marjialexa Moderator 24 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas, Ruthie, and I hope this is just the beginning of a wonderful year for you, my love, Marji

1 comment
ruthie by ruthie 24 Dec 2008

Me too, marji - I placed my order with santa for a very good year for 2009, so here's hoping! Have a wonderful Christmas Marji, love you, hugs xxx

by ezzemml 24 Dec 2008

Hi Ruthie. Santa has just finished here and Merry Christmas. Hope you have a good one. I'M off to bed soon.

by ruthie 24 Dec 2008

Couldn't resist posting this one, haha!!!

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 24 Dec 2008

Hee hee hee, Ruthie, you never lose your sense of humor!!!