by manami 25 Dec 2008

to thank you for this beautiful site and for your generous heart. The day is almost over(in Australia), I hope you all had a great Xmas day... Love you all.


by sewingerr 25 Dec 2008

congrats, and 1 more 4 u*

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Sewingerr

by gerryvb 25 Dec 2008

congratulations here's 1 more * for your's good to have you here besides all the other cute-friends, here it's still the 1st of xmas.hope your days were peaceful. bye, gerry

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Gerry!

by clawton 25 Dec 2008


1 comment
manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Clawton!

by elaine45 25 Dec 2008

Congratulations on all of your flowers and i hope your Christmas was wonderful.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Elaine!

by blhamblen 25 Dec 2008

Thanx for sharing your talent, and kindness. YOU deserve each and every one of the * that you have collected:) My day is just beginning.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Barb!

by shirlener88 25 Dec 2008

Yoriko, CONGRATULATIONS on your wonderfully large bouquet of flowers. So happy to see that you are letting Veronika know you appreicate her site, that is sweet. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours...

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Shirlene!

by jayemcee46 25 Dec 2008

congrats on so many *s, enjoy the fragrance. Yes this is a wonderful site I'm so pleased I found it and it's wonderful to be part of such a loving, caring community. Thank you one and all. It's 10 am and our day is just beginning. Merry Christmas everyone. Jo

shirlener88 by shirlener88 25 Dec 2008

Jo, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours...

manami by manami 25 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Jo. This is indeed a wonderful site!