by carlawoods 26 Dec 2008

really must have missed having her husband by her side at christmas but hope, barb, that he was there in spirit and i'm sure he was was close to your heart. since you have 2 grandchildren i bet you also smiled an awful lot yesterday too! isn't it wonderful having children around....sometimes they are the best medicine! i hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you. just wanted to let you know you have been on my mind lately. love, carla woods


by manami 30 Dec 2008

Carla, thank you for posting thoughtful of you. Have a wonderful 2009, may all your wishes will come true!

by blhamblen 29 Dec 2008

I am sorry that I didn't see this earlier...I forget to look in Personal...I have had so much company in the past month and 1/2 that TODAY is the first day I have really been ALL alone. My mom went back north after being here since Bobby died Nov. 10th...and my brothers and sister have made it easier on me by going thru his clothes and taking them to people they knew that needed them. I received a card in the mail signed from a "secret santa" that had a gift card for Wal-Mart, so I took it and bought each of my kids PJ's(they said we were not exchanging gifts) The grandkids gave me gifts that I will treasure my whole life. BUT the LOVE and support that I have gotten from ALL of you have really kept me going. Christmas day WAS very hard..But I know he was with we left my son's house to go to dinner we all saw a hawk fly in front of our cars (it had been sitting in a tree across the street watching us load up) Bobby collected eagles..this is the closest thing to an eagle in our area. Usually you don't see them in town BUT there has been one in the tree across the street from my house since November watching over us. I still can't sleep all nite and I haven't had an appitite (probably lost a few lbs that I needed too anyway. (I don't recommend this diet to anyone)) Still waiting on all the financial stuff to hit..and I had to apply for food stamps and medical insurance thru the state. (very humiliating, as I have NEVER done it b-4) My son did start a new job and he is buzy learning... I want to do a little bit every day to start going thru all the "OTHER" stuff. I know that if it gets too much I start crying..but it has to be done. I just want to THANK A L L of you for you unending prayers and support, your words of kindness HAVE helped so much. Barb

1 comment
manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

Dear Barb, I think you are so brave, I admire you so much. You have been in my prayers and thoughts too. Love you. Yoriko

by shirlener88 28 Dec 2008

Carla, thank yu for being so thoughtful - Barb will surely see this soon - she and another friend are both going throught the same thing - differently and Barb seems to be the stronger of the two. It might be all the love and prayers she has been receiving - I saw a post earlier from her and she seemed to have had a nice day with the family. Thank you for posting this.

by lbrow 27 Dec 2008

Carla I commend u for being so thoughtful.

by crafter2243 Moderator 27 Dec 2008

I hope Barb saw this. the first holiday is the worst, but kind thoughts like yours Carla do help. After you loose your partner you feel alone and comments like yours make you realize that a lot of people care and the loneliness softens a bit. Thanks for posting this. Angie

by clawton 27 Dec 2008

Yes we do hope that her holidays were uplifting and keep all of those fond memories close to her heart.
Carla, don't forget that you can do private messages also. But this is a good place to do what you did, as it also reminds us of the situation. Thanks.

by celticlady1031 26 Dec 2008

Carla I think you have said everything I was thinking. I have a very dear friend going through the same thing right now and I know how hard it is for her. I wish nothing but the best for Barb. Happy thoughts and warm, wonderful memories will help her through the tough times. Lots of love and hugs to her and to you for your kind thoughts.