by manami 30 Dec 2008

It will be a OX year in Japan, according to Chinese Zodiac, so I'm attatching a greeting image here.


by stickmuster 31 Dec 2008

A happy new year for you Yoriko and your family, as well as all people all around the earth.
Unfortunately, on in Japanese I cannot say it, however, I wish you the same one also in German, in Hungarian and in Roumanian:
Glückliches neues Jahr 2009 allen auf der ganzen Welt!
Békés, boldog új évet mindenkinek a világon!
Un an nou fericit tuturor in lume! La Multi Ani!

by marjialexa Moderator 31 Dec 2008

Akemashite omedetou Gozaimasu! I have loved learning Japanese words & customs this year from you, Yoriko, and watching you digitize. I hope the New Year brings you the desires of your heart, my dear friend! Love, Marji

by sherylac 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you too Yoriko

by mops Moderator 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you too, Yoriko, thanks for all you did in 2008!

by meganne 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year from Sydney. I'll certainly be gald to say goodbye to 2008. LOL!!!
hugs n blessings, Meg(Anne)

1 comment
mops by mops 31 Dec 2008

And a very Happy and Healthy New Year to you! I love the fireworks you Aussies always have at New Year, they often show parts of it at the TV here.

by iris2006 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you and your family too Yoriko and thanks for all the nice designs and company this year.

by shirlener88 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year.

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manami by manami 31 Dec 2008

Yes, we need Peace so badly! Happy New Year!

by adelmarie 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you too.

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manami by manami 31 Dec 2008

Thank you Adelmarie!!!

by lindaavolio 31 Dec 2008

Thank You and a Happy HEALTHY New Year to you and your family!

1 comment
manami by manami 31 Dec 2008

Happy New Year, Linda!

by geruvyme 30 Dec 2008

Happy new year and thank you for your great designs! tHEY ARE APPRECIATED flowers and a special hello kitty for you!

manami by manami 31 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Geruvyme! You know I love Hello Kitty!!!

marjialexa by marjialexa 31 Dec 2008

Aww, sweet little Hello Kitty is wearing a kimono! Where did you ever find her? I love Hello Kitty, too! Marji

by pafhen 30 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you and thanks for all of the designs that you have offered to share with us. You do such great work.

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manami by manami 31 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Pafhen!

by mariahail 30 Dec 2008

Feliz Ano Nuevo, to you too!!! Oh so you will be an Ox...I wonder if I ever was, my exhusband used to say that I was a bullheaded woman...(??????????)LOL.****

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manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

We all are a little bit of it, but men are completely bullheaded!!! :D . Feliz Ano Nuevo, dear Maria!!!

by elaine45 30 Dec 2008

Same to you....

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manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

Thank you, Elaine!

by asterixsew Moderator 30 Dec 2008

Happ new year too. I understand the new year is far more important in Japan than christmas. Though I have had some beautiful christmas cards from Japan this year. Thanks for all your brillaint designs in 2008.

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manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

New Year is the most important celebration in Japan, but we have some Christians there as well. Thank you so much, Asterix, Happy New Year!

by shirlener88 30 Dec 2008

Yoriko, Happy New Year.

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manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

Shirlene, Happy New Year to you too!

by jayemcee46 30 Dec 2008

in Scotland the saying is "lang may your lum reek", (long may your chimney smoke) it is a good wish for a long life, perhaps others around the world will tell us their sayings

Happy New Year to everyone Jo

manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, it's very interesting to learn about other culture! "Lang may your lum reek" to you, Jo! Hugs&*

mops by mops 31 Dec 2008

Do you go out and return indoors with a lump of coal and a glass of whiskey? My one-time Scottish neighbour used to do that. And bake loads of shortbread.

by raels011 30 Dec 2008

And a Happy New Year to you Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

Thank you so much, Raelene! Don't drink it all :). Happy New Year!!!

by sissibrode 30 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you and your family Yoriko ! with all my love,

1 comment
manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

Dear Sissi, all the same to you too. Love, Yoriko.

by debleerl 30 Dec 2008

Happy New Year to you too. If we pay attention, you'll have us speaking Japanese before we know it. If only I could figure out how to say it:)

1 comment
manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

It would be funny we speaking Japanese on Cute :) Happy New Year, dear Deb!

by manami 30 Dec 2008

Akemashite omedetou Gozaimasu!

debleerl by debleerl 30 Dec 2008

I'm going to send this to my daughter, this is her year. Double trouble since she's also a Taurus, I always knew she was bull-headed for a reason. LOL

manami by manami 30 Dec 2008

:) that was funny, Deb. But they are very determinated and strong, that is good!