by manami 06 Jan 2009

I 'm having headaches for 3 weeks and I collapsed on Friday night, my son found me on floor. I was taken unconcious to the hospital by ambulance and woke up hours ago. I had CT, lumbar puncture and MRI performed, thanks God no bleeding was found. However there are (abnormal)aneurysms and I need treatment. I'll be going to the neurosurgical clinic in a few days and hopefully have this headache fixed. I guess I'm getting old :D. Thank you, my friend Michele, for passing my update on Cute, and one more time, thank you all for all these expressions of love. I love you and have missed you all.


by jrob Moderator 06 Jan 2009

Take care of yourself and I will continue to pray for your healing. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS ;)

by cordura5 06 Jan 2009

I'm SO glad that you are (somewhat) better now. I hope that all cuties can learn from this. Whenever you have unexplained headaches, PLEASE get them checked. It may be nothing, but you will never be sorry to make sure. Maybe it might save someone from going through what you have been through, Yoriko. I'm glad your son found you and the doctors are able to do something about it. PLEASE take care of yourself and GET WELL SOON!

by emily16838 06 Jan 2009

Don't are loved

by nonna57 06 Jan 2009

Glad to have you home . Take care :)

by sqdancer 06 Jan 2009

So good to hear from you Yoriko, Do get well soon...we've missed you...Hugs xxx G

by ejtads 06 Jan 2009

My prayers will be with you and hope all goes well at the doctor office.

by dpickel 06 Jan 2009

Glad to have you back Yoriko! Get well soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

by adelmarie 06 Jan 2009

Good to se you are out of the hospital. Take lots of care, hope you are feeling better soon.

by 1ladyb 06 Jan 2009

I know just how frightened you are feeling. I had a similar situation a few years back. I was visiting my son when it happened. I spent a night in the hospital and all they could come up with was that I possibly had a seizure. I had no idea where I was when I awoke and thankfully it has not happened again. I fell when it happened and I don't remember any of it. They tell me I have several spots on my brain that are not normal.
Since they know what is wrong with you they can at least treat you and I bet you will be fine. I used to work in a medical clinic and saw several people with the problem and they are fine now.
God bless you and stay strong. Put your trust in the Lord.
Donna B in AR

by sandralochran 06 Jan 2009


by nini 06 Jan 2009

Que bom voltar a ver as tuas mensagens, Yoriko! Espero que recuperes o mais depressa possível e que tudo não tenha passado de um susto! Um abraço amigo e uma flor! Pensarei em ti com um pensamento positivo! Força, amiga!

by gramsbear 06 Jan 2009

May God continue to be with you in this time and all times. I pray for your healing, and God's guidence for all the Dr's & nurses. I also Pray for your family. *4U, Get well soon.

by eveve 06 Jan 2009

EEEEEEEEEEEEee why are u crying? LOL

Cheer up. The term aneurysm rather 'alien' to me. Anyway, just relax and try to keep to health diet at the mean time. Take good care of yrself.

by bdrouin 06 Jan 2009

Take care of yourself. Headaches are no fun and need to be checked out.

by persiancatlover 06 Jan 2009

welcome back,i hope you feel better soon,gr connie

by clawton 06 Jan 2009

This is a caring family from all over the world. Isn't that a great feeling!

by elaine45 06 Jan 2009

Glad you are home and I hope they get your headache fixed. I pray they can do this for you soon.

by mariahail 06 Jan 2009

Welcome back Yoriko,alway remember He will heal you,***

by tolgamum 06 Jan 2009

It's so nice to have you back here again, we missed you. No doubt its also great to be home again too, but do take care and you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope all goes well with your treatment.

by marymoore 06 Jan 2009

hope all gets better i am on the way to doctor myself i am not breathing well at all today

by sambsranch 06 Jan 2009

Hello Manami, I hope they found ev-thing? Its no fun being sick and the bad headaches... U take it easy, get better soon... We r all praying for u...
(((HUGS))) and lots of Love u'r way, don't forget the flower too... Sam :)

by quiltgrama 06 Jan 2009

Glad to see you are home please take care and rest. will continue to pray for you. Love Lisa

by michelej 06 Jan 2009

Yoriko, welcome back my friend....I am so happy to see you back again....Please get plenty of rest.....
Take it easy.....
Love and hugs Michele

by iris2006 06 Jan 2009

Gad to see you home again Yoriko and please take care.

by marietta 06 Jan 2009

I am so glad to see that you are home, and hope the headaches will also go away soon. Miss your cheerfull answers to all. You are on my list of prayers. Get well now. Love

by marjialexa Moderator 06 Jan 2009

Glad you're back! My cousin's friend Rocky had aneurisms, and had them operated on successfully. She had three separate operations, because she had so many, but she's just fine now. So I'm sure that will be the same for you, if you do what the doctor says & take care of yourself! I finally found a worthy angel picture to send. Hugs & purrs, Marji

by kathyjt 06 Jan 2009

We will sure kept you in our prayers. Pray that everything will go OK. Good to have you on again.

by sissibrode 06 Jan 2009

I'm glad to see you again among us Yoriko. Hoping that your health get better soon. With all my love,

by shirlener88 06 Jan 2009

Yoriko, you sure gave us a scare - we rushed our angels and sent prayers on your behalf - we will continue with our prayers until you are feeling fit again - do as you are requested with treatment and rest. We love you dear one.

by mops Moderator 06 Jan 2009

Yoriko, I hope you're feeling better now that you're home and hope the problem can be remedied! Hugs & blessings! Martine

by nurselilly 06 Jan 2009

Dear Yoriko, We are all glad to have you back, take care of yourself, rest up. Im sure you will be feeling back to normal in no time :) *****s for you

by grandmamek 06 Jan 2009

It is good to see you back on line again. Take care and do as our doctor says. be sure and get plenty of rest. Hopefully you will be completely recovered soon. Mary

by blhamblen 06 Jan 2009

We Missed you too..:) You have to take care of your health..FIRST! GET WELL Soon :-)

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

Thank you Barb!!! I'll go to bed earlier, as I feel so tired. Love you, Yoriko

by auntbaba 06 Jan 2009

Dear Yoriko,
I'm so happy to hear that you're home from the hospital! I hope that you continue to feel better, and that the treatment for the aneurysms is successful. We love you and need you here at Cute!...Angel blessings, Barb

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Barb! It's a blessing having friends like, Yoriko

by gerryvb 06 Jan 2009

so good to see you're home.take good care and take your rest. Hope your headaches will soon be over! we missed you all.

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

I'm so glad I'm home also. Thank you, my friend...missed you too.

by frieda48 06 Jan 2009

Hello Yoriko,I'm happy that you are home, and hope that you are feeling alot better.

Veel liefs

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

Thank you so much Frieda, It's good to be home again. Love, Yoriko.

by meganne 06 Jan 2009

I am so relieved to see you are safe, now please, please take it easy and don't take any risks with your health. Aneurisms are not something to treat lightly. I was so worried about you dear friend.
Please take care and i'm sending some Angels to watch over you and keep you safe. Love you
hugs n blessings, Meg

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

Oh, Meg, thank you for the angels...Amazingly I felt them at the hospital, from all my Cute friends. What a blessing...thank you!!!

by raels011 06 Jan 2009

Glad to hear you are home Please take care

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

Thank you, Raelene, I feel blessed I have friends like you here...Love, Yoriko.

by sherylac 06 Jan 2009

Hello Yoriko, and thank goodness you are home, and hope that you are feeling alot better. And I hope that the treatment that you will be having helps you, and take a rest and relax. Thinking of you..

1 comment
manami by manami 06 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Sheryl! I'm glad I'm home too. Feeling extremelly tired, but tomorrow is another day :). Love you!