by manami 06 Jan 2009

looking at the beautiful projects as much as I can and giving flowers to everyone :). Miss talking to you all. Hugs Yoriko.


by modo 07 Jan 2009

take care of yourself*

by iris2006 07 Jan 2009

Yoriko, just don't worry about us but abut yourself, take good rests and I hope you recover soon. Be patience. (spelling?????)

by persiancatlover 07 Jan 2009

take good care of yourselfs and rest at time,get well soon

by sherylac 07 Jan 2009

Hi Yoriko, just rest when you need it, we all now that you are here with us. Look after yourself and get well. Take care ******4u

by marietta 07 Jan 2009

Hi there, as long as you know we all care. Do not even try to read if it hurts, just get better

by mops Moderator 07 Jan 2009

Take good care of yourself! We want you back healthy, so please don't overdo it now.

by gerryvb 07 Jan 2009

please take your rest, so lay down and recover. hugs for you!! ( beterschap means: get well soon!)

by sissibrode 07 Jan 2009

takes the time to rest Yoriko.
And come back in good shape.
Hugs and kisses

by tinfriend 07 Jan 2009

Hope that you feel better soon and then you can get back to doing all the things that you love to do!!!

Until then ..... Take care! *4U!


by michelej 07 Jan 2009

Yoriko, you just rest up, and don`t over do it. We don`t want you back in hospital that head of yours.....hugs Michele

We are watching over you!!!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 07 Jan 2009

:) that is cute!

by sewmom 06 Jan 2009

I feel your pain (but I don't think quite as severely). I've suffered from migraines for years. I hope they were able to fix the cause of your headaches. It would be a relief for you to know that they are gone.

by adelmarie 06 Jan 2009

Nothing to be sorry about, you better get some rest and take care of yourself. Cute will still be here whenever you feel better. *2U

by mariahail 06 Jan 2009

Your body is telling you that it needs the rest, listen to it...get well soon.***

1 comment
marietta by marietta 07 Jan 2009

How true

by silver 06 Jan 2009

Feel better soon! I get awful headaches too and I know how bad they can make you feel.



by giddygoat 06 Jan 2009

Hope you are feling better soon.

by lbrow 06 Jan 2009

Get well dear Yoriko, that's the important thing right now. *4U

by raels011 06 Jan 2009

Please take care and know that I am thinking about you

by elaine45 06 Jan 2009

Ge all of the rest you can....and get better.

by meganne 06 Jan 2009

Just please take GOOD care of yourself, we want you around for a long time. X0X0X0

1 comment
marietta by marietta 07 Jan 2009

These are so cute, I love tinkerbell too.

by shirlener88 06 Jan 2009

Oh sweet Yoriko - you don't have to worry about writing or commenting - take care of you. That is what we need you to do.

by dlonnahawkins 06 Jan 2009

You take the time to heal, and we wish you the best with your upcoming tests and surgeries, if needed. We will think of you often, and will miss you, but you need the time to heal so you can come back to us. Hugs to you. We will be praying for you.

by jrob Moderator 06 Jan 2009

Take care of yourself dear Yoriko. We will be here when you are better.;)

by dpickel 06 Jan 2009

Take all the time you need to get well! Trying too hard, too soon, sometimes just sets you back and is not worth it. Know that we are thinking of you each and every moment. Hugs and lots of flowers. *************************************************

by clawton 06 Jan 2009

Hope you will be back to normal soon and feeling better. Take it easy.

by nonna57 06 Jan 2009

Yoriko Welcome Home. Hope you are getting better each day. Lay back, rest up and enjoy the attention your DH & S are giving you. A big bunch of flowers for you :)************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

by blhamblen 06 Jan 2009

Please don't talk JUST listen...isn't that what you used to tell your students??? We like knowing you are OK and here with us...So just sit back and enjoy ...close your eyes and send mental notes..We can feel your love just as I hope you can feel ours (I think I speak for all my BROTHERS and SISters Here at CUTE:-)