by manami 09 Jan 2009

It's a good news at last. It seems all I have to do is get over with this stress :) (Any advice?). Thank you all for your concern and caring. Love&hugs, Yoriko.


by silver 09 Jan 2009

Have them check for pressure on the occipital nerves. Degenerative disk disease, arthritic vertebrae or slipped disks in the upper (cervical)spine can cause severe, chronic headaches. It took an MRI for them to see what was actually going on... I spent yars being misdiagnosed (16 years) until one morning I thought I had a stroke... That changed how they looked at things, which was lucky for me.
Cluster headaches are similar to migraines and often hard to diagnose as well.
I hope you feel better...

1 comment
manami by manami 10 Jan 2009

I hope this will be the next check. I had an MRI and it shows some aneurysms. I'm going to have another CT next week. Hopefully, it will lead for the right treatment. Thank you, Silver!

by sherylac 09 Jan 2009

Yoriko, great news about the aneurysms I bet that was a relief. Stress,its such a terrible thing and I really don't think that there is any advice that I can give you only too take care of yourself, you are number one, you have to be totally happy with yourself and your situation and if not, try to get into a situation that you will be, and my home is always open to you and your family.

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manami by manami 10 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, my friend. You know, as a mother you are never number one, the kids always come first. I was so worried about my son, while in the hospital, just glad he made it, until I come back home. Well, looking forward to seeing you again.

by debleerl 09 Jan 2009

I'm glad to see you back, and hope you will be feeling better soon.

Prolonged stress is so unhealthy. Figure out what you'r doing that you dread and eliminate it. I "retired" that did the trick for me;-)

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Actually I know what is stressing me out, just can't find the solution for it. Thank you for your kind words, Deb!

by abeille78 09 Jan 2009

Hi Yoriko..
I'a desapointed to know that you are too stress & with a lot of headaches... sometimes things get too hard to handle.
I was like that during a long time. I was too buzzy... I had too many things to manage for all my big familly.. I do spa-cure, stretching in a club
and Shiatsu.
You must rest... so take time for you....
Go walking with an Ipod to listen calm music you like. stop for some deep breath as calm as you could, restart walking.... as many days as you could.... Breath. Go outdoors to met and simply discuss & laught whis other people...
So when you think that stress is coming, get away from the computer.
Take a bubble-bath or go to the swimming-pool. And why not to find a Shiatsu master (or lady - as my daughter is) in helping you.
Hope you will be better soon.
Monique from France

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Monique, thank you so much for your kind words.

by clawton 09 Jan 2009

Sounds like good news to me. Just get out that machine and go to town sewing just for YOU.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Clawton, thank you!!! That is what I'm going to do. :)

by raels011 09 Jan 2009

I can catch a plane and be there in an hour for shopping

by elaine45 09 Jan 2009

Wish I could give you the advice that would make you better....maybe you should takenanna57's advice....

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you's a good advice that one...

by mariahail 09 Jan 2009

My sister have problems with some horrible headaches, went to see several specialist just to find out that something about the grey matter is about a few mm. bigger than it should be, my daughter has the same problem.Hope you keep getting better and better. Hugs.***

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Maria! I feel a lot better knowing that the problem is not that serious and having such great friends here as well...

by dlonnahawkins 09 Jan 2009

We are so happy that at least this is some good news. Stress can work strangely on all of us. I have about decided to relieve stress we just have to get away from things for a while. I have tried to make just one day a "veg" day where I don't have to do anything. But, that doesn't always work. So, I am going to start walking some more - and getting away from the computer - sorry Cuties - but I work, and am on a computer almost 8-10 hours a day with the job. And don't you know, our favorite things to visit - computer sites, of course, and computerized sewing machines. Come to FLorida, and we can go run barefoot in the sands. Hugs.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Beth, thank you so much! Love to walk barefoot in the and listen to the ocean...I should do that more often.

by auntbaba 09 Jan 2009

Dear Yoriko, I hope that you will soon be well! Talk to God; He's always there for you! *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Barb!

by gerryb 09 Jan 2009

It's hard NOT to stress when you are told to relax and don't stress!! But as so many have advised you, put it all in God's hands. Now, we all yank it back out of His hands over and put it back over and over! Nothing is worth the headaches you are having. I talk outloud to myself as well as God! Guess some think I'm nuts, but I try to only do that when there's no one else around! But by talking out loud, you not only are thinking it, you are hearing it, and that seems to help you relax. Will be thinking about you! And praying for you.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Oh Gerry, that is exactly I'm doing, put it all in God's hands. Thank you so much for your kind words!

by shirlener88 09 Jan 2009

Oh my dear Yoriko - this is good and bad at the same time - is it not - not knowing the cause of the headaches - but we all know - that is stress - you will need to center yourself - stop - look - listen - get one with GOD - He is the one - that can help you get through this - go back to what you know - in your own history - peace will come - if you allow it - rethink - what you are doing or allowing to stress you out. Calm yourself - do whatever it takes to do that daily - get one with God and ask for his guidence and direction - to relieve you of the things that are causing the trouble.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Shirlene, thank you so much for your kind words.

by marymoore 09 Jan 2009

oh yoriko please just chill out stress can be very bad and can harm you i would hate that now as i am telling you this i need to take my own advice having 4 young ones wil stress you out oh my

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you Marymoore! Just sometimes things get too hard to handle, don't they?

by marietta 09 Jan 2009

So nice to hear it is good news, but you must rest more, and try not to do too much. Easier said than done, that I know.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

:) Thank you Marietta!!!

by americangirl 09 Jan 2009

Good luck getting this all figured out. I really hope you can get to the bottom of it!

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you, Americangirl!

by iris2006 09 Jan 2009

Glad that you got good news Yoriko, make big walks, let the wind blow in your hair and relax. SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you Carla!

by mops Moderator 09 Jan 2009

You've had so many holiday offers, maybe it's a good thing to consider. But relaxing when you're stressed is not an easy matter, I found making a list of the blessings in my life and reminding myself daily would help. Hope you'll be alright soon, headaches can be so debilitating!

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Martine, thank you so much! I need to make that list too...

by sqdancer 09 Jan 2009

Yoriko thank goodness you have gotten some good news...Stress can be so difficult to cope with and as some of the others have said half the time we aren't really sure where the stress is coming from and so can't do anything to get rid of it...try to take it one day at a time and keep in touch with us and we will try to at least give you what help we can with our hugs and much love Glenda xxxx

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

I was nothing without you all. You can't imagine how much my Cute family is helping me out. Glenda, thank you so much!

by lbrow 09 Jan 2009

Yoriko, Bless your heart, u r n my heart & prayers, stress is not easily relieved, lots of times we r stressed over something & don't even realize it. Believe me I know! Hoping you r much better soon, those killer headaches r not easy to deal with. *

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Lillian, thank you so much!

by sanjoy51 09 Jan 2009

Sorry to hear you are not well. I always thought it would be good living on the Gold Coast but I think it is better to live away and just visit. It gets pretty hectic down there and the idoits on the road is enough to stress you right out at the moment and instead of enjoying the dive you just hope you get there in one piece and home again. Not to mention the stress in parking the car somewhere. If you have a pool it would be nice to just relax in the pool on some floating bed and sipping a cold drink, and just relax and let the rest of the world go by, just for a short time. That would be good. I'm in Ipswich so it is a little hotter here and I have had to relax in the water just to stay sane. Enjoy what ever relaxation you choose. I might do that too. Hope you get better soon.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

So true, Sanjoy. We had to park the car far away from the hospital, and a paid one. It's just unbelievable sick people has to walk that much to get some help. Thank you so much for your kind words...

by simplyrosie 09 Jan 2009

Oh Yoriko, when we get stressed out, we're not trusting GOD... I have found this to be true over and over in our lives... Remember this my friend... you cannot take anything with you when you leave this earth, so my advise is to not put it before what matters most.. J.O.Y. - Jesus (GOD), Others and Yourself.

I will be praying for you... I have written your name in my journal. xoxo

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Teri!

by sissibrode 09 Jan 2009

I am glad that this is not an aneurysm Yoriko. It remains to find the cause of these headaches. Take care of yourself
Hugs and love

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

I still have aneurysm, but according to the doctor that doesnt cause headaches. Let's see the results of the next tests. Thank you so much, my friend.

by blessinge 09 Jan 2009

I am so happy you have good news about the headaches. I too suffered from cluster migraines, my were caused by stress from work and family illnesses. They did finally stop after learning some relaxation techniques, such as, going someplace quiet, picturing something that makes me happy or a place that is relaxing. It took a while for me, but I am so happy they are gone.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

That is a good idea, I try to do that, but as a 'thinker and worrier' sometimes is very hard for me to focus in something abstract... Thank you so much, Blessinge!

by ssarner 09 Jan 2009

Starting any buz causes stress. Own a buz is 24x7 job. U have to learn how to let go and when to stop. The 1st 2 years when I started my own buz, I was all stress out and could not sleep and gained weight. Finally, I learned how deal with. I also find out watching comidy TV is very relaxing, no fighting, no detective and no intensive understand. Just something that is funny and short tv. Hope that help you too.

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Soi! I'm glad you learned how to deal with stress. I should try the TV thing...

by jrob Moderator 09 Jan 2009

BEFORE you start to feel tense have a plan. If you let yourself get stressed, it is too late. Start practicing so you will almost naturally do the things that stop you from getting all wired up. Some suggestions: DEEP breaths....take several and concentrate on letting your brow, shoulders and whatever body part you tense up RELAX....breath deeply again. Close your eyes and imaging your favorite calm place. Remember how it smells, sounds,feels like on your skin......ahhhhh gotta go, I'm on a beach and the seagulls are after my lunch! hahahah

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

I actually try do be in another place, not too successfull I presume, can't see the seagulls there :)...thank you, you can make me smile too.

by nglover1 09 Jan 2009

So glad about your Good News . As for advice , Think about yourself and take time for yourself. ( But shopping could never hurt. HaHa )

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you Nancy! Love the shopping advice :)

by grandmamek 09 Jan 2009

So glad that you had good news.

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you, Grandmamek!

by raels011 09 Jan 2009

Glad you have some good news

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Stroke runs in my family, my Dad died on his 55 y.o. and my young sister is in wheel chair, so it's a good news! Thank you, Raelene!

by blhamblen 09 Jan 2009

My advice?!?!?! Love things JUST for YOU. Things that YOU like! It is hard NOT to be a giver...Start being a TAKER! I used to buy myself a single rose...TO: ME For: ME Cuz: I love ME....Barb

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

I thought I was the only one who used to buy flowers for myself :) Thank you Barb!

by meganne 09 Jan 2009

You already know my advice to you. My migraines were much worse years ago when I was under the same sort of stress as you are now.
Love you friend and I live close to Pauline so we could all have some fun together if you come to Sydney for a holiday, :-)
Hugs n roses, Meganne

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Yes, I know, just it's too complicated. I'm starting to think seriously about going to Sydney for a holiday :) Thank you, my friend.

by michelej 09 Jan 2009

Take care advice is when Sheryl and I come to visit you next week, we will go shopping, shopping and more shopping.....what do ya think about that?????

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

I'm very excited about you girls coming to my place!!! Yes, we will go shopping for sure!

by sandralochran 09 Jan 2009

Glad to hear you had good news Take Care

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Sandra!

by gerryvb 09 Jan 2009

hmmm, unstress....? don't know if being here helps enough, we can try to sheer you up in the hope it just the funny and loving posts( leave the difficult posts for a while),and enjoy the projects. anyhow take good care and take your rest,Hope your headaches disappear, succes with the following tests. hugs gerry

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manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Gerry!

by eveve 09 Jan 2009

Meditate? Dont think too much! Just try to eat more vegetables n fruits at the moment. Talking abt this, i havent been eating fruits on a daily basis. Take good care of yrself!

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

So let's remember to eat more fruits! Thank you so much, Eve!

by castelyn 09 Jan 2009

That is good news Yoriko.
My advice take it easy and look after yourself. Worry about yourself first and then others
God Bless
Hugs Yvonne Castelyn

1 comment
manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Yvonne!

by nonna57 09 Jan 2009

Come to Sydney for a holiday. Free board, food & oh what the heck... You can use my sewing room & contents. :)

manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

This is my Cute Family! You can make me smile, my friend. A holiday in Sidney sounds great to me...who knows, someday :)

michelej by michelej 09 Jan 2009

Well hi guys, can I come too????? lol

nonna57 by nonna57 09 Jan 2009

Open House for one & all !!!

raels011 by raels011 09 Jan 2009

When do you want me

jrob by jrob 09 Jan 2009

Whoo Hoo.....road trip!

sissibrode by sissibrode 09 Jan 2009

and me too ? can i come ??? HA HA HA :oD so far....

sqdancer by sqdancer 09 Jan 2009

Me too ??? The only thing holding me back is the 30 hours on the flight....LOL

lindaavolio by lindaavolio 09 Jan 2009

Me too, Me too ...hugs!

michelej by michelej 09 Jan 2009

lol You guys are so funny.....

manami by manami 09 Jan 2009

Pauline, it seems that we are all coming :)

mariahail by mariahail 09 Jan 2009

I want to go too!!!

nonna57 by nonna57 09 Jan 2009

No problems. I have a tent. Just bring your pillows

clawton by clawton 09 Jan 2009

Oh me to!!!! But think that body of water is just too much!

abeille78 by abeille78 09 Jan 2009

And why not me... It's just a little bit too far for me right now... But next January I think I will be there...
Monique from France

sherylac by sherylac 09 Jan 2009

Okay, I'm coming too Pauline, hope you have a large home for us all..... lol

nonna57 by nonna57 09 Jan 2009

Boy it will be a great "party" by the looks of it. Hope the party girl turns up. :):):):):)

babyred by babyred 10 Jan 2009

Ohhhhh I want to come too!

manami by manami 10 Jan 2009

Just wonderful it would be if we could get together one day!!! This post surely took a lot of my stress away :)

nonna57 by nonna57 10 Jan 2009

Glad we helped to make you happy!