by manami 13 Jan 2009

I drove 20 hours from North of Minnesota to Illinois, and passed through Wisconsin. I do miss and love that country. I have such great memories from those days. I'm sorry I havent posted this in personal tab...


by ssarner 14 Jan 2009

That is Chicago. I lived there my first one year in US. My biological father he worked at the Japanese Consolate and I wanted to know him, so I moved there to study. The city will dye the water to green during St. Patrick's day. During winter, it is cold, but the street hot dogs are the best in the world.

manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

I've been to Japanese Consulate in Chicago! This is a small world!!!

ssarner by ssarner 14 Jan 2009

Where were you there? I was there in 1987. There is Japanese community there too.

by manami 14 Jan 2009

Well, I left my heart in Chicago :). I loved the color of the waters of Lake Michigan which I thought it was because of chemicals, later on, I discovered that was a natural color. How beautiful! As I said, I miss it there...Thank you everyone for commenting on this post...Hugs&blessings, Yoriko

by michelej 14 Jan 2009

Nope, got no idea where you but I do know that the little boy with you has grown up to be a very handsome young fella.....

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Michele...yes, and I'm so proud of him!

by mops Moderator 14 Jan 2009

The windy city, I presume. Lovely picture! My SIL had her first child at 20, I was 30, my elder daughter 35 and my younger will be almost 38 when she gets her first. So I wouldn't hazard a guess about your age. :)

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Yes, the windy city! Guess about my age? don't even try it :)

by sherylac 14 Jan 2009

Hi Yoriko, haven't got a clue where you are, but, maybe your son is 16 now, lovely photos ****4u

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you Sheryl!!!

by sissibrode 14 Jan 2009

beautiful pictures. You are very elegant Yoriko !!!

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Oh, thank you so much, Sissi!

by gramsbear 13 Jan 2009

No matter where its posted, it is special, Thanks for sharing. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Yes, very special...thank you Gramsbear!

by blhamblen 13 Jan 2009

Yes Chicago hasn't changed much in the past years...You would like Navy the summer time...Did you take the cruise on the river that tells the history of the city thru architecture??

manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Unfortunatelly I didn't take the cruise. I would love to someday. That city just have impressed me so much, for its beauty...

blhamblen by blhamblen 14 Jan 2009

When You come back you can stay with ME:) I'm about 35 miles west of the the burbs...I don't go to the city much, but I would with someone else!

manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

That would be lovely, Barb!!! Thank you!!!

by marymoore 13 Jan 2009

yep chi town oh how i miss it there

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Wow, you are from Chicago!!! I'm not from there and I miss it a lot :)

by simplyrosie 13 Jan 2009

Looks like Chi town to me! Mary Moore's from there... she might know.

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Yes, Teri, Chicago. :)

by lbrow 13 Jan 2009

Very nice pics Yoriko. thank u for sharing with us. I bet that 16 yr old young man is a charmer. *4U

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you Lillian! I'm a proud mother of 3 sons...they are so wonderful kids.

by katydid 13 Jan 2009

Great photos!!!

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you, Katy!

by shirlener88 13 Jan 2009

Yoriko, what lovely pictures - I agree - that looks like Chicago in the top picture and as they say - that is a very cold place to be right now - you and your son are presious.

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Shirlene...yes it is Chicago. :)

by jrob Moderator 13 Jan 2009

Is it Chicago? Cute little fellow! I'll bet he is a really handsome young man now and with such a pretty mother!;)

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Yes, Chicago! Thank you Jerrilyn!

by debleerl 13 Jan 2009

Be glad you're not there now. It's very cold and getting colder. We're expecting single digit(F) temperatures all along the great lakes for at least the next week.

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

I've heard the winter is bad this year over there. I wonder how it looks like in Duluth(MN)right now...brbrbr

by lindaavolio 13 Jan 2009

I bet he is a handsome 16 yr old...he's CUTE! Glad you posted the pictures. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you Linda!

by raels011 13 Jan 2009

You must be a young grandmother

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manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

I have two granddaughters, 6 and 2 years old. They really make me feel young...

by adelmarie 13 Jan 2009

It looks like a really nice place.Thanks for sharing the pics, I have not been of yet!

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Yes, Chicago is really a nice place. Thanks Adelmarie!

by jayemcee46 13 Jan 2009

your pics are missing yoriko, not that I could help you, but I'm intrigued! Jo

manami by manami 13 Jan 2009

they took a little while to get uploaded :)

jayemcee46 by jayemcee46 14 Jan 2009

lovely pictures yoriko, thank you for sharing Jo

manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Jo!

by manami 13 Jan 2009

here, the pictures

ddoersch by ddoersch 13 Jan 2009

top picture looks like Chicago to me...?

manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Yes, it is Chicago, the windy city :)