by manami 14 Jan 2009

I logged in and I see over 13000 flowers in my bouquet!!! Thank you to everyone for this beautiful gift! Love you all.


by jayemcee46 15 Jan 2009

congrats from me too Yoriko, you deserve them all and another from me Jo

by sissibrode 15 Jan 2009

Congratulations Yoriko.

by mops Moderator 15 Jan 2009

Wow, you've got a nice bouquet and every flower you earned! Thanks for being here and being the kind and generous person you are.

by clawton 15 Jan 2009

WOW just look at that! Congrats. Aren't they beautiful.

by castelyn 15 Jan 2009

Congratulaions Yoriko with your beautiful bouquet
You work so hard in helping us all
And here is another *4U

Yvonne Castelyn

by iris2006 15 Jan 2009

Congratulaions Yoriko with your beautiful bouquet. It's funny how fast they grow overnight.

by tindo 15 Jan 2009

another flower for your garden my husband growns bonsai's so make it a bonsai for you

by modo 15 Jan 2009

Félicitations, you deserve them all manami*

by shirlener88 15 Jan 2009

Yoriko, LQQK at you collect those flowers - WOW! Congratulations.

1 comment
manami by manami 15 Jan 2009

Thank you, Shirlene!

by caydebug 15 Jan 2009

Congrats!!!! Heres one more.

1 comment
manami by manami 15 Jan 2009

Thank you, Caydebug!!!

by 2createit 15 Jan 2009

Dear Yoriko I hope your "My Embroidery Garden" can grow as fast as your Cute bouquet has grown :)
*4u and many more to come.

1 comment
manami by manami 15 Jan 2009

Thank you, my friend!!!

by sherylac 15 Jan 2009

well, might as well add another Yoriko,,,,,

1 comment
manami by manami 15 Jan 2009

Thank you, Sheryl!

by simplyrosie 14 Jan 2009

And another one for you Yoriko... :-)

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Teri, thank you so much!

by crafter2243 Moderator 14 Jan 2009

Congratulations Yoriko. You deserve them. Thanks for sharing so much with us. Now get better.

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thanks for your concern about my health. I'm going to have another MRI on February 6th, still have some headaches, but I'm feeling a lot better now. Again, thank you so much, Angie!

by jrob Moderator 14 Jan 2009

Congratulations! Here's your tiara....;)

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Jerrilyn!

by blhamblen 14 Jan 2009

W O W way to go...You should be enjoying your bouquet while you are resting:)

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Barb! I'm resting as much as I can, thank you for your concern and caring, my friend.

by michelej 14 Jan 2009

Wow Yoriko, they are growing fast. You deserve everyone of them...Congratulations and here`s another.....

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, my friend!

by raels011 14 Jan 2009

How your garden does grow. I have planted some for you too You deserve them all Yoriko

1 comment
manami by manami 14 Jan 2009

Thank you so much, Raelene!!!