Well, you are a dear to spearhead this, and So is Maria to think of it! Tell Miss Cute Thing we can't wait to hear from her again.
Thanks for the update I think about her alot and cant wait until she can be with us again. Love Lisa
Thank you each for responding and wishing Loretta well - she is always so pleased when she knows that you have posted something about her - she always says, "I guess they still know who I am!" Hehehe!
thanks for the update. Take care Loretta, we're all praying for you.
Thanks for the update, I just noticed the note on the site yesterday. Lo! somedays I think I miss to much. I am so glad that we are doing this as a group. I know that I miss Loretta so much. and the new ones are miss out on picking her mind for answers to their questions. She I think knows it all.
Thanks again Shirlene for taken this on for the rest of us. May God Bless You.
Please give Shirlene my love and tell her that I am keeping her in my prayers.
Brenda Lea
Thanks for the update. I am new to PayPal, I didn't know there was a charge. *4U
thanksfor the up date. I put mine in the mail to you.