by lenamae 22 Jan 2009

not a question Whooowho I got my embroidery machine from the shop today I am so excited now I have something to do.

Istiched out a couple of Sonia'a angels this after noon they are so cute.


by shirlener88 22 Jan 2009

Lena Mae, I am so happy you got your machine back - that has to make you feel wonderful - can't wait to view your new projects - have so much fun with it, too.

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 22 Jan 2009

Thanks Shirlene I am so thrilled . I wish I knew how to digtize FSL I would like to do a design for my friends wedding if I could see it done one time I could do it. went to the sewing shop and ask if they gave lessons and they said no. both places stopped giving lessons.