by eggyannie 26 Jan 2009

i decided that if i was going to be doing more quilting and so more embroideery then i would need a stitch remover. No i have seen these expencive cutters that will remove an embroidery design and so went onto e bay to ge me one (uk shops are not craft minded and few and far between) It stated On E bay that it was a embroidery thread remover and that hundreds had been sent to very happy clients in the USA. well just may be those clients do not have dogs who need clipping or hubbies who want haircuts. the item arrived ok and i tookit out and what did i find. the name WAHL i recognised it right away for what it was... A NOSE CLIPPER .or it can also be used to create tram lines in hair styles.

so ladies and gentle men go and save yourselves a small fortune i have it here in black and white and in pictures it is a nose clipper. hey and it also looks just like a pet clipper that is used for between paws. NOW aint that amazing
annoyed about the con.. eggyannie in the Uk


by debleerl 26 Jan 2009

I've seen them and thought they were nothing more than hair trimmers. Our local outlet store sells hair trimmers for less than $5. Next time I see one I'll have to try it. I've also seen several of the "sewing" tools at the local hardware store for much less than the Sewing supply catalogs.

Thanks for the headsup about the trimmers.

by mariahail 26 Jan 2009

this little clipper had been around for a long time, they are just trimmers, if you have a friend that is a hairstylist she could buy them at a beauty supply cheaper than you can or she could let you used her license...they are nice little clippers, but when sold to remove stitches they over price them, buy they way they don't last for more than maybe a year or so.****

by beeboomer 26 Jan 2009

Hmmmm, interesting! I had seen these advertised on embroidery sites and was curious about them. I remember seeing something called the peanut. I found one at and it is also made by Wahl. See link, which also has a very nice demonstration of how it is used. It is more expensive than the hair trimmers, so I don't know if it is different, or just repackaged and marked up to sell to embroiderers. The Wahl nose hair trimmer looks quite different, with a circular cutting tool.

Have you complained to the seller? Or written bad feedback?

Do you have pictures? Which trimmer do you think you got?

I had a terrible time removing just a tiny amount of embroidery from a hat. I couldn't find a plain hat anywhere to put my own embroidery on, so bought one with a small Nike swoop on it. I figured, how hard could it be to remove it? It took FOREVER! Somehow the back, was not available to get at, there was a layer of fabric over it, and I had to do all the work from the front. So I don't think that tool would have helped me. Still, it seems like a handy thing to have.

by blhamblen 26 Jan 2009

GEE they have gone to the smaller version...I too looked on e-bay and found one that looked like a mustache trimmer...and YUP it was..they don't work the greatest but IF you have a lot of TIME on your hands THEN they are OK..ya still have to pick out the first stitches by hand.

by michele921 26 Jan 2009

thank you for the heads up on that item. I have been seeinga lot of Question's about them but so far I have never ripped out a design I just start over LOL it ends up in a pile of junk things.
well here is a *4u at least

by tindo 26 Jan 2009

oh so sorry for you eggyannie what a bummer!! seems you have been left with egg on your face....sorry for the pun but i am still laughing here because it happened to a friend of mine as well!!
you need lots of lovely roses to make up for the con.

by 2createit 26 Jan 2009

Hope you didn't pay too much for it ;)

by toet 26 Jan 2009

Eggyannie i think that is ever so funny ,sorry i cannot stop laughing.********