by tabsolom 29 Jan 2009

my xmas present this year was to find I was pregnant, and after 2 recent miscarriages I wasn't taking any chances, now I can shout it to the world finally made the magic 13 week mark and we are just so thankful, ultra sound showed a strong heart beat, wow I cannot believe how busy everyone has been I've spent hours on the computer today taking it easy but glad to be off my back, tomorrow I will be sewing, withdrawal symptoms are driving me crazy but I have designed my quilts ready, can't wait to catch up with you all, hugs and kissess... Tracey


by persiancatlover 30 Jan 2009

congratulations but please be carefull,enjoy the coming months of being pregnant,we will follow you on cute

by tabsolom 30 Jan 2009

Thanks to you all for your special comments **** to every one of you XXXX

by crafter2243 Moderator 30 Jan 2009

This is great news. Congratulations. Take care of yourself and the new developing life.

by gerryb 30 Jan 2009

Fantastic! Nothing better than a sweet little baby..hope a granny lives close enough to spoil her/him, if not I'll volunteer!

by ruthie 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations Tracey, I'm thrilled for you and your DH. Take thing easy and enjoy! Hugs and flowers for you, you deserve them.

by nonna57 29 Jan 2009

My very best wishes to you & DH. Even though you had a rough start dont overdo it, lap up the attention, but more important REST. Oh you lucky girl I pray all goes well .

by clawton 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations on the good news. Just take care of yourself!

by mad14kt 29 Jan 2009


by gramsbear 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations on the little one coming. Babies are sooooo special. Take care of your self and the baby. **

by jrob Moderator 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations.....what wonderful news! Thank you for sharing your joy with us! Blessings on you and your family!;)

1 comment
raels011 by raels011 29 Jan 2009

Jerrilyn You have some beautiful photos

by debleerl 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations!!!! and welcome back.

by marymoore 29 Jan 2009

oh wow how cool congrats to u just take it easy still

by ssarner 29 Jan 2009

Oh Wow, you got bun in the oven. Wonderful. We need to give you a virtual baby shower.

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Jan 2009

Oh, Tracey, how wonderful for you!! All my best wishes coming your way!! Luv, Marji

by lindaavolio 29 Jan 2009

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!
Great news...get your rest and stay healthy.

by tolgamum 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations on your wonderful news. May your pregnancy be restful and trouble-free. Take care now.

by caydebug 29 Jan 2009

Conngrats. Praying all goes well. Take care of yourself and the littleone. *2u

by grandmamek 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations on your wonderful news! Keep taking it easy.

by kathyjt 29 Jan 2009

Wish you all the best, pray everything goes well for you and the baby.

by tindo 29 Jan 2009

Hi Tracey welcome back I am new here and the cuties have made me very welcome as you can see from my flowers. congratulations on your good news.

by rmj8939 29 Jan 2009

oh, I wish you all the best in the coming months. Hope you continue with success in this.

by jayemcee46 29 Jan 2009

what a lovely start to a new year for you - congrats, carry on taking it steady Jo

by blhamblen 29 Jan 2009

OH Tracey C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to all 3 of you! I'm sure baby will know how much you love him/her just by the way you are taking care of yourself. Don't do too much, just enjoy the glow!

by raels011 29 Jan 2009

congratulations on your great news. Good to see you back

by sherylac 29 Jan 2009

Oh my goodness Tracey, congratulations and take it easy and so when is this little bundle of joy expected??

1 comment
tabsolom by tabsolom 30 Jan 2009

the 5th of August the same birthday as my eldest daughter who will be 19, the other 2 girls who are 10 and 7 are just so thrilled as well...

by gerryvb 29 Jan 2009

congratulations with the good news. enjoy and take good care for you and the little one !!!hope this year brings you lots of luck and happiness!

by michelej 29 Jan 2009

Wow Tracey, congratulations....I am so happy for you. I wish you the best for the next 9 months...

by lyn4 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations, that is wonderful news!! Take care!!

by jasanne 29 Jan 2009

Congratulations! Wow exciting news :) I will pray the rest of your pregnancy is trouble free..