I've just downloaded Tajima Ambassador and I'm thrilled with it. Thanks so much for the tip.
Thanks for sharing...Tajima works great, even on .sew format which Wilcom doesn't recognize.
Personally, I converted my file with Embird no problem to open them in pes format then :o)
Well I guess I will have to break down and find it...I can only stitch pes..THANX
Tajima Pulse DGML Ambassador I don't know the site could be wilcom product. I have had it for a few months and I would not live with out it. Love the way you can change to thread colours and see if you like it before you stitch out the design. easy to use and there are several formats to change to and from...ie Hus to Jef or Pes to Hus....it is really handy to have.
tajima is totally different then wilcom but they both work great i know i digitize with wilcom and really like it a lot