I use SewIconz also...AND LOVE IT...GREAT PROGRAM.
Sew Iconz is the only program I have found that stands alone and does this. I bought it quite a while back. At $20us - even with the exchange rates, it's the best/cheapest option I know of. Embird iconizer does similar but you have to have embird first!
well i guess i will stick to this program it is by far very easy to use
thank you Jasanne
Don't ask me why but JEF is the only format it can be viewed as a thumbnail in my computer, so everytime I download something, I do both, XXX and Jef. If I figure out 'why' I will tell you. :) Hugs,Y
thank you Yoriko that is strange...all i get on my computer is the little flower icon....do you use Customizer??
when your designs are in documents, you can see them with wilcom, and it is free.
Wilcom has to be opened and running doesn't it?? where as SewIconz just open up in your download area on the computer once you unzip it. but I will download wilcom and check it out again. thank you Maria for that.