Yeah teens just love to hv ego's don't they; I can see why this would be a hit - suttle but putting the message across 'I'm Hot' You did a great job digitizing this design.....Oh to be young again!
I'm not sure if I can sell the design because the flame is not my artwork. The Twin Hearts I posted on Designs by Cuties was from the same graphics company and the design was removed. I suspect it was because of the copyright. All my research leads me to believe the graphics company is no longer in business, but I'm still looking into it.
You are just great, my son is in his 20s and he saw it and he loves it because he also thinks it is cool, so do let us know if you are selling it. Well done!!!
If you deside to sell your design, let us know how to purchase it. A job well done.
Deb are you going to sell your design? if so contact me at
What talent this is so cute I am sure all the kids would want one I like it very much.
Well done it looks great! Are you going to share the design with us too?