I am glad they found whatever it is early. The hardest part sometimes is waiting for results. You are right. Keeping busy keeps the brain away from negative and anxiety provoking thoughts. Try to do things you absolutely enjoy. My prayers will be with you. Angie
Thankyou Angie,i learn't quickly from my past experience with breast cancer to stay positive at all times and to keep the gloom and doom people far away. Today i sorted out my sewing room putting unfinished projects in their own boxes. Including everything that is needed to compleate the project,cottons ect. With the sound of my embroidery machine beside me,and DH working out on his gym the day was quite enjoyable.
Great that whatever it is, you caught it early!! I'm hoping it's the best, easiest, treatable, whatever. I'm so glad you have Meganne for support!!! Hang in there, you have big hugs from me. Marji
Marji thankyou for your big hug,i feel much better now. I don't think it took so long to get results last time,hopefully when i have the next lot of tests they have more answers for me.
Our prayers are answered believe and trust xoxoxo
Faith is the answer
Thankyou Misscharlie,your sweet love and careing that you share with the cute family is priceless.
Thank u for keeping us informed toet, We r praying that everything goes well for u, I'm so glad u find strength from Meg. I believe God has a reason for everything & we simply have to pur our faith and trust n Him. Much love to u. Lillian
Thankyou Ibrow,everyday is beautiful,and sometimes we need to take the time to look around us to see evan on a rainy day there is wealth of beauty around us.