by lenamae 06 Feb 2009

want work .I can not find my book. Can some one tell me how. if not it is ok .


by minicow 07 Feb 2009

happy 'sigitizing' lenamae GGGGG
my fickle fingers typed egg instead of eg. in my 1st post to th eCUTE project pages - check out Growth Chart
hugs & sparkles from minicow

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 23 Feb 2009

than you I ispell words I am 71 and my fingers does not work as well on these little keys as it should.

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Feb 2009

I have no idea, Lenamae, but I'm going to bring you back to the top, hopefully someone will see the question who knows the answer. Marji

1 comment
lenamae by lenamae 07 Feb 2009

thank you I searched and finley found my book. so now I can do it I think.

by lenamae 06 Feb 2009

sorry about my spelling Digitize