by lv2sew 09 Feb 2009

Good Afternoon Cuties..I need some hints or actually help..How do I post a picture within a post on this site..Or is there someplace else to do that here?


by clawton 09 Feb 2009

Looks like you mastered the task. Nice project.

by lv2sew 09 Feb 2009

let's see if I can do this right! here goes.

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 09 Feb 2009

woo hoo!!! I did it!!!

by mops Moderator 09 Feb 2009

When you ask a question you can't. BUT if you comment to a question, including your own, you see under the box 3 taps: Add links, Upload image, Upload video. Click on the appropriate one, browse through your folders, don't forgat to click the upload button for the image BEFORE you submit the comment. I hope I've explained clear enough.

lv2sew by lv2sew 09 Feb 2009

thanks "sew" much...Yes I understood your directions...thanks again for taking the time to tell me this...*4U

lv2sew by lv2sew 09 Feb 2009

Amazing and easy to follow are awesome mops!!! thank you soooooooooo much!!!