by lv2sew 13 Feb 2009

alot more than a wary of sites you are not familiar with....The funny thing is I was looking for the design for a fellow embroiderer...I will stick to the cute family from now on when needing designs or links to sites that can be trusted ...spent two days getting my computer cleaned up and running again...Thank god I saved all my designs on hard copies..


by gramsbear 13 Feb 2009

So very sorry for you, hope no one else gets caught in that, I do not understand how people can do that to another person. **

by sissibrode 13 Feb 2009

thank you for the warning and sorry for you lv2sew

by auntbaba 13 Feb 2009

I'm sorry that you got caught. Happened to me last year. Good luck getting things back to normal. Please post the name of this site so that other people will not get caught too. * to cheer you up!!!...Barb

by modo 13 Feb 2009

is it possible topost the site name so we do not go there*

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 13 Feb 2009

I can't remember the site as it was a link from a google search I did...I was to panick ridden at the time...

by bikermomfl 13 Feb 2009

don't you scan your designs before you open them? hubby made me aware that everything has to be scanned before I can open it so that won't happen I guess.. So sorry, but at least it came out ok.

1 comment
lv2sew by lv2sew 13 Feb 2009

I had my firewall off and did not even have to open the design as it was not a zipped file...the minute I clicked I got zapped....