This is so good. I agree with Yoriko. You feel like a child when it comes to stationary
It's a great idea, Gerry! I just love stationaries,(I look like a child when I shop for them), have all kind of pencils, pens and papers everywhere, I should make some of these for me :)
Dat ziet er goed uit. Ik weet nooit hoe lang ik voor potloden de vakjes aan de binnenkant moet maken. Te kort en ze vallen er uit, te lang en ze verdwijnen na een aantal keren al te enthousiast slijpen.
I never know what size to make the inside pockets in the case of pencils; too short and they fall out, too long and they disappear after my GDs have had a go (or more) at them with a pencil sharpener.
that's true, but you can push them upwarts when they become to short, I've tried that first :)