Do whatever you want or what looks right. for a queen size sheet I have done two designs one centered at the 1/4 point and one centered at the 3/4 point (fold top edge of sheet twice to find the four points) another I have put 2 designs centered on the sheet, if the sheet has a wide turning I place a narrow design on the stitching line. I print the design out, lay sheet on bed then lay pattern on & change around until it looks good to u.
That makes sense. I centered mine from the middle, but I'm going to put it on the bed to see if it needs more. I do appreciate you taking time to answer my question.
good question,bumping you back to the top,flowers for you.
I'm interested to see what everyone says. I've never done sheets, but I would like to. How do you line up the design? I don't have any software. Do you just eyeball it?
I did it old school. I measured from the middle of the sides and them I found the middle of the band. You can just fold then in the middle. Sure hope someone answers me so we will both know.