by cloey 02 Mar 2009

yes it is. You are suppose to hang it above your door for good luck.

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

That is good to know! Hanging it above my door today :) Thank you, Cloey!

by lbrow 02 Mar 2009

Thank u Yoriko, this was very generous of u. *

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Lillian!

by adelmarie 02 Mar 2009

Thanks Yoriko, is a beautiful design

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Adelmarie!

by shirlener88 02 Mar 2009

Yoriko, it is very cute. Thank you!

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Shirlene!

by grandmamek 02 Mar 2009

Thank you for this Design. This is the prettiest horshoe I have ever seen. Now we all can be lucky. *4u

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you so much, Grandmamek!

by gramsbear 02 Mar 2009

Thanks for sharing Yoriko, It is beautiful! My DiL will LOVE this! **

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Judy!

by tindo 01 Mar 2009

thank you Yoriko very nice, and very kind of you. "May all your luck stay inside the horse shoe and never fall out.!!"

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Marlene!

by auntbaba 28 Feb 2009

Thank-you Yoriko, It's very nice. *4U

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Barb!

by nonna57 28 Feb 2009

Yoriko the h/shoe held with the opening up holds all good luck. It cannot fall out! Well thats what I grew up with :) Oh & thankyou my son IL will love this :)

oldandgrey by oldandgrey 28 Feb 2009

you are so right

nonna57 by nonna57 28 Feb 2009

Oh quick I'll get my DH so he can see that sometimes I am right! :)

manami by manami 01 Mar 2009

Not good with this new tradition, but learning :D I'll correct this as soon as I can :D Thank you!!!

by yvepat 28 Feb 2009

Thank you

1 comment
manami by manami 02 Mar 2009

Thank you, Yvepat!

by blhamblen 28 Feb 2009

THANX Yo:) I want to make it up for a friend whose b-day is St. Pat's day.(luck o the Irish) mine will be in GREENS!

manami by manami 28 Feb 2009

Thank you Barb! Interesting, my sisters call me YO, it feels good you calling me YO too. :)

blhamblen by blhamblen 01 Mar 2009

Well... we are sisters:) aren't we????

manami by manami 01 Mar 2009

yes, it feels like that, and it is a lovely feelings :)