by lbrow 01 Mar 2009

think? We continue to give God the Glory & always will. He's working again, tells me he feels fine, & I believe him. We probably will never know what happened. I do know they charged 40,000 Dollars a bag for the 2 bags of Immunoglobulin they gave him IV. With his ins. he will have to pay only $5,000.00 a bag cause they were given as outpatient during the christmas time so he could b home. That's ok, he's young & works & will have it all paid for one of these days. He's just thankful to be alive cause he really didn't think he would live. I still cannot thank u all enough for your prayers. that is what turned everything around 2 days after I requested u pray things slowly began to change, if u go back & read my posts u will see this. God bless u all for your caring I truly think u can take him off your lists for his healing but remember to thank & give God the Glory for it all. Lillian


by manami 04 Mar 2009

Dear Lillian, I'm so happy for you and your family! God bless you always! Love,Yoriko

by iris2006 03 Mar 2009

Thank you for this update Lilian, That is very goor news. Sometimes miracles happens. I'm so glad for you and your family.

by blhamblen 03 Mar 2009

So glad you put an update in here...I hope he NEBER has to go thru that again...WHATEVER it was!!! Maybe they will name it after him...What a way to get your name recognized! And remember MONEY isn't EVERYTHING! Love to you. Lil.XOXOXO

by shirlener88 02 Mar 2009

Oh my Lillian - I knew you would get your Christmas miracle. God does hear our prayers and His is a wonderful God.

by clawton 02 Mar 2009

That is really good news!

by jrob Moderator 02 Mar 2009

Beautiful Testament! Praise God, and I love to take folks off my answered prayer list!

by mops Moderator 02 Mar 2009

Wonderful news, Lillian. Thank you for this update.

by crafter2243 Moderator 02 Mar 2009

I thank God for the healing of Adam. What an awesome answer to prayers.

by grandmamek 01 Mar 2009

Wonderful news that he is cured. God does work wonders!!