by sqdancer 05 Mar 2009

anything right now except close my eyes and rest...some prayers please that it is nothing serious, had blood work up done and blood pressure everything appears to be normal, have to give it a few days and see if it heals itself....bad patient, no patience...Hugs all Glenda x0x0x0x0x


by sqdancer 11 Mar 2009

Thanks to all of you still not back to normal it is a week now and just taking one day at a time...can't do much else but wait it out...Hugs love you all Glenda x0x0x0x

by clawton 09 Mar 2009

Hopefully things are better by now. I have not checked the personal page in a good while. I know you will miss sewing.

by manami 09 Mar 2009

Dear Glenda, I hope it is nothing serious. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Yoriko

by debleerl 08 Mar 2009

I hope it's not serious, get well soon.

by sanjoy51 07 Mar 2009

Sorry to hear of your eye trouble, I hope that it gets better after some rest. I will ask for them to return to normal too.

by caydebug 06 Mar 2009

Glenda, Please take care and know that the prayers of many are headed your way.

by jrob Moderator 06 Mar 2009

Oh, good luck with resting. I will be in prayer for your speedy recovery. hugs back dear.

by lbrow 06 Mar 2009

Glenda I've had problems with diplopia long ago. I remember having teriffic headaches with it also; Hopefully it will right itself n time. Eyesight is so precious. *

by nonna57 06 Mar 2009

Then Glenda rest you must. Our eyes are most important. Hope you get better :)

by gerryb 06 Mar 2009

Will be praying for you. I know you will be praying for the many requests we see coming through here too. Hope you up and sewing soon!!

by crafter2243 Moderator 05 Mar 2009

I hope you will get better real soon. Having to keep eyes closed is no fun unless you need sleep. I pray for healing and that it would happen fast.

by blhamblen 05 Mar 2009

Glenda...I hope that all works out for you...put on some soothing music and RELAX!! We all keep you in our thoughts and prayers:)

by shirlener88 05 Mar 2009

OH my Glenda, I will be praying for you - rest as that is what is needed more than likely. Think of all the beautiful things that you will be seeing and working on - when this is behind you.

by asterixsew Moderator 05 Mar 2009

Take care and while resting enjoy planning the next lot of sewing. Will think positive thoughts. Have a friend with eye problems which stops her doing too much sometimes which is a irritating