by nonmusicmom 09 Mar 2009

hospital and we have a computer in our room so I will be able to keep you up to date. Thanks for all the prayers.


by becky45 12 Mar 2009

I will be praying for all of you.
God bless,

by marietta 12 Mar 2009

You are in my prayers too, and I will be looking out for your news.

by emily16838 11 Mar 2009

You are in my prayers

by lbrow 11 Mar 2009

Adelaide has been on my prayer list for a long time now.U know I did something sun. morn I have never done before. quite often I will ask the church to pray for different ones on my list. Sun I felt impressed to ask the church to pray for my entire list, that Gods will b done for ea. & everyone on my prayer list. I did not name names just asked they pray for ea. person on Lillian's prayer list. They did & perhaps it was Adelaide who needed all their prayers. Thinking of u Lillian

by sqdancer 11 Mar 2009

You all will be in our thoughts ...

by mops Moderator 10 Mar 2009

Prayers for all of you.

by marjialexa Moderator 10 Mar 2009

Prayers for you all, Marji

by caydebug 10 Mar 2009

Let us know how things go and many Prayers and Blessings to you and yours. Thinking of you.

by crafter2243 Moderator 10 Mar 2009

I will pray for the successful surgery and speedy recovery for Adelaide. I will keep you and your family in my prayers as well. Angie

by manami 09 Mar 2009

We'll be praying for a sucessful surgery. God bless you and your family.

by blhamblen 09 Mar 2009

YES...please do regular updates...we will ALL be praying for a successful surgery:) Chin UP:) You are the strong one...:)