I voted the B for tomorrow. I missed the K and W too. Hopefully they will go through the entire alphabet again. This is a pretty alphabet
I missed the entire alpha. Look like they started A again. I will vote for you and myself.
Voted for B, looks like we are going around the alpha so I hope get the N at a later day. Good Luck Lillian
I have my fingers crossed for H. That's the only one I'm missing. I will be sure to vote for your B.
will do!..I have made a mental note to vote for each of the cuties (including myself) so we can vote accordingly so each of us get our missed letter. Looks like H, R, and W, so far are needed...
I missed the W but will vote for your B Lillian...Great Cutes think alike, we knew which alpha you were looking for ...
THANX for posting the link...didn't realize ya click on the star to vote...I clicked everything else....DUH..But ya got my vote...eventually!
And the only one I missed is the H. We could do with Letvia to sort us out! I'll vote for your B anyway, maybe the whole alpha will be repeated.
Voted for it also, but it looks like none of todays requests are going to fall thru. A is on the lead
I voted for the B, but it looks like it is starting around again (the A looks like it is winning) so it won't be hard to get your B. Thank goodness you were missing one close to the beginning of the alpha!