by lbrow 11 Mar 2009

Wanted u guys to see this big daffodill. My Great grand son will b 1yr old the 29th of Apr.


by jrob Moderator 13 Mar 2009

ouuuuuuuuu, I want to pinch those cute lil chubby cheeks!

by clawton 12 Mar 2009

OOOH soo cute!!!

by gerryvb 12 Mar 2009

what a lovely picture!!

by sqdancer 12 Mar 2009

What a doll Lillian bet you hug him to bits...x0x0x0x

by marietta 12 Mar 2009

Lilian, he is sooooo lovely, a true blue eyed "breker" a Afrikaans word, for someone who will always be loved, and break the ladies hearts. Those blue eyes can only steal hearts. I can see why he must be extra special. The daffodills are pretty too.

by kathyjt 12 Mar 2009

One thing is a adorable here and it is not the daddodills. He is so cute.

by manami 12 Mar 2009

Lillian, he is so cute!!! Love daffodill too, it's a great picture! Love,Yoriko

by caydebug 12 Mar 2009

He's beautiful (or as my gson says "MawMaw boys aint beautiful, were knock outs"). I bet he's the twinkle in your eye and rightly so. Enjoy Him as I know he does you.

by emily16838 11 Mar 2009

How sweet...thats one for framing

by gerryb 11 Mar 2009

Oh how cute! Aren't grand children wonderful...and I guess great grand children must be even "greater!"

by 1ladyb 11 Mar 2009

Wow what a heart throb he's going to be.

by kharriman 11 Mar 2009

He is sweet!!!! Thank you for showing your Pride & Joy!!!*4U

by blhamblen 11 Mar 2009

You posted that at just the right time....I needed a Baby FIX!

by adelmarie 11 Mar 2009

He is an adorable cutie pie!... and looks like he is a great model too. ;)

by modo 11 Mar 2009

cute kid*

by lbrow 11 Mar 2009

Here he is n his little red wagon along with all the other daffodils. CALEB SHANE

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 11 Mar 2009

Caleb is adorable!

by lbrow 11 Mar 2009

Here he is n his little red wagon along with all the other daffodils. CALEB SHANE

shirlener88 by shirlener88 11 Mar 2009

He is growing really fast.

nonna57 by nonna57 11 Mar 2009

All i see are those BLUE EYES how cute :)

manami by manami 12 Mar 2009

Oh my goodness, he is so cute!!!

mops by mops 13 Mar 2009

Cute little boy, I bet you can't resist those blue eyes!