Thank you all for the help and the advice I call it quits, nothing had worked so far, I guess i will have to take my machine to the doctor.
I hope you have found an answer by now. I just always keep one of those peanuts. ( I actually have a small box in under my desk, I wish I could get one to you.)
Thanks, I looked for one but had no luck. maybe my machine is sick :( I tried many things but still no luck. I thinks I call the quits for today.
some times treads get dry try putting in the fridge for an hour. sounds weird i know but has worked before.
I have heard of this before, and then I have also heard that it causes it to dry out because of the cold and fan blowing.
Sometimes we get a bad spool of thread. Try using a different spool and see what happens. Has anyone messed with the tension?
oh, sometimes there are those days ..... hope it helped to share it with us, ans everything goes better now.
Here is the link for jerrilyns picture of the styrofoam packing peanut
I wonder if jrob's suggestion awhile back....running the thread through a peanut (the kind you pack boxes with not the kind you eat) not sure how far back it was but maybe Jer could find it faster for you...
Let us know how things work out. with all the tips something has to work. If my frustration level gets to the boiling point, I switch to another color. And when a better day comes I wn-wind the tangled thread on to another spool for use at another time Good Luck
The design only has two colors and this is the one I need to use first, I am taking me a break from the machine right now. Thanks for your concern, I will let you know ;)
Frustration is not my FRIEND ;0 I remember I had a day like that. I had to calm myself down and the thread seem to worked itself out. Hopefully yours will do the same ;D *2U
I just ready your Daily word and It made me snap, I am taking me a break and will get back to it on a bit, by the I hope I have figure it out. Thank you Monica
With the 1000m rolls (the cylindrical ones) I place them upside down for a while than when it starts to get loops again, I turn them back. But unfortunately that does not work with cones. I improvised a thread stand before I had a proper one, by placing the cone some distance from the machine and threading it through a small ring that I suspended over it. I wish you luck! It's so frustrating when your threads or you machine are playing up.
Sorry to hear Adelmarie, hope that you can solve the probloem with the tips below. Good Luck
I use a thread stand like explained below..IF you don't have one try putting the cone on the floor behind the machine in a bowl or box and see if the distance will correct the problem!
Did u try a kind on cone net that u pull over the cone? Thinking of u Marie
No, I had some of those but do not seam to find them. Guss have to look harder or get new ones. Thanks
Sorry to hear your frustration. We've all been there. Are you using a thread guide, the kind with a long stem to bring the thread up over the cone. sorry I can't think of what its called at the moment. When this happens to me, I use a thread stand and manually unwind the thread from the cone helping it go through the stand and if it gets stuck on the cone and tangled, I stop the machine until I can get the thread untangled. It takes forever but if I really need that color, that is the only thing I can think of that works. Hope this helps and good luck
Adelmarie, so sorry to hear that. I hope you can have it fixed soon, I imagine how frustating it can be. Anyway, sending a big hug for you. Love,Yoriko