by manami 16 Mar 2009

It was a beautiful surprise when I saw it after uploaded in my computer: an angel was watching over me. I treasure this picture and I do believe angels are among us. Love&blessings, Yoriko


by sandralochran 16 Mar 2009

Great photo You take care

by manami 16 Mar 2009

Dear Cute family, few of you know I had to deal with a sad day yesterday. If the departure of my son yesterday was not enough, an hour after he left, our little dog, Koro(an Australian blue cattle dog), died. My husband accidentally hit her with his truck.

Amid tears, I was looking through my son and her pictures when the picture of this Angel came up. I believe it was not coincidence and God wanted to remind me that He was there for me.

I just love Cayde's idea, I'll sure frame this picture so I can look at it always and know that everything is going to be just fine.

Thank you all for your comments, I appreciate so much your caring and support.

Love&blessings, Yoriko

by grandmamek 16 Mar 2009

this photo is beautiful. Thankyou for sharing and I think you are right, there are angels among us. *4u

by shirlener88 16 Mar 2009

Just amazing, thanks for sharing it.

by gramsbear 16 Mar 2009

I agree, this is not only beautiful, but a reminder of the Angels God sends to watch over you. WOW! *4U

by gerryvb 16 Mar 2009

what a beautifull picture thanks for sharing.angels are watching over us.

by castelyn 16 Mar 2009

What an inspiring picture.
thanks so much for sharing
Im sure there are more than just one watching over you Yoriko

by minicow 16 Mar 2009

My goodness how amazing.Thankyou for sharing such a beautiful image. It is strange sometimes how God speaks to us & sends us a sign.
We were travelling on the day my MIL died but we knew that she had gone to heaven for a rainbow appeared before us & it was a beutiful sunny & clear day.
I love caydebug's idea of having the photo framed.
God Bless hugs & sparkles from minicow

by sqdancer 16 Mar 2009

What a fantastic surprise that must have been for you Yoriko...such a great picture for you to always treasure...Hugs G x0x0x0x

by jrob Moderator 16 Mar 2009

That is a beautiful picture and you must have been awestruck when you first saw it! He is always here, it is us that sometimes are unable to see Him. I think He showed himself to you.

by waterlily 16 Mar 2009

That is an amazing picture!

by mops Moderator 16 Mar 2009

What a wonderful picture! Thanks for sharing it.

by lflanders 16 Mar 2009

What an inspiring picture. It does make you wonder about all the miracles in the universe. I am sure each person would see something different in it but I am sure I see an Angel , Halo and all, watching over you! Kinda leaves you in awe to see this pict. Thanks for sharing with us! Linda in Ga.

by iris2006 16 Mar 2009

What a beautiful picture Yoriko, thank you for sharing this with us.

by caydebug 16 Mar 2009

Yoriko, You have your very own Angel for sure. God surley knew that a move like that must have been a hard decision for you, leaving your family and all and sent the Angel for your protection and confort. Seeing it again, now, God must be telling you, that everything is gonna be just fine, that he is in charge of it all and you and your son need not to worry. I think I would blow that up or do like a 5x7 and frame it so that when I got a little worried, I would just look at it and know that all is ok.

by blhamblen 16 Mar 2009

Yo, that is one of those pics that you SEE God looking at YOU!

by adelmarie 16 Mar 2009

Beautiful image, thanks for sharing with us.

by manami 16 Mar 2009

Here's the picture:

1 comment
modo by modo 16 Mar 2009
