by manami 18 Mar 2009

Wow, exactly 19000 flowers in my garden!!! Thank you all for this beautiful view! Love you all!!! Hugs&blessings, Yoriko


by tinfriend 20 Mar 2009

Forgive me for being late in Congratulating you on your achievement! Here is another Flower to make it 19306! Well Done!!

by michelej 19 Mar 2009

Congratulations Yoriko, I am about 170*** late but as they say.....better late than never.....

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Dear friend, thank you so much! You can't imagine how happy I'm to see you here! Love,Yoriko

by pennifold 19 Mar 2009

Oh! Hello my beautiful friend - I have been off the "air" due to a spike in the modem!!! Go figure! Anyway I"m baaaaaaaackkkkkkk!!!!!!

So thrilled to see you have received all those flowers! You must be running out of room in your garden.

I hope you are feeling better and know that you have many friends on this site. Love and blessings to you and thank you for all you do here. Love Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Dear Chris, thank you so much!!! Thanks for being there for me! (Love this image!) Love,Yoriko

by castelyn 18 Mar 2009

Its now 19044
Well done you deserve it and more
Hugs Yvonne

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Yvone, thank you so much!

by modo 18 Mar 2009

Félicitations You deserve them all*

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Thank you so much, Modo!

by caydebug 18 Mar 2009

CONGRATULATIONS Yoriko. You deserve those and many more. You are so worth it. Prayers and blessings. Libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Cayde, thank you so much!!!

by jrob Moderator 18 Mar 2009

Congratulations, Yoriko! It's the least we can do!;)

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Jerrilyn, thank you! Love this tiara!

by clawton 18 Mar 2009

Way to Go!

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Clawton, thank you!!!

by sissibrode 18 Mar 2009

one more flower for you Yoriko*

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Sissi, thank you so much!

by iris2006 18 Mar 2009

Congratulations Yoriko and here is 19007 for you, have a nice sleep

1 comment
manami by manami 19 Mar 2009

Carla, thank you!!! what a cute kitty!

by blhamblen 18 Mar 2009

I'll make it 19004 *'s 4 U YOU are so generous:) THANX for being YOu!

1 comment
manami by manami 18 Mar 2009

Thank you so much, Barb!!! Now I can go sleep with a smile in my face. Love,Yoriko