by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

heavy meds. for blood pressure and pain but doing well. We were so glad she had minable weight lose. Only two pounds. They did 2 different surgeries and they were 3 hours in surgery. Surgery was on Tuesday March 10 and we took her home on Sunday the 15th. I can't say enough good things about the Dell Children's Hospital in Austin Texas. They were fantastic.They are the top in the field of childhood medical needs. We stayed at the Ronald McDonald house there in Austin and they too were wonderful. Everyone we met there were friendly and helpful. Adelaide recieved two free quilts . One at the hospital from the Linus group and the other at the Ronald McDonald House. I am going to start making blankets for them as a small thanks. Deana, Adelaide and I want to thank you for all of your prayers. She is past the critical stage now but she has a long recovery time ahead of her but she is one amazing little angel. Even on morfin and versaid she still had smiles to give away. Right now it is hard for Deana because her husband Casey is TDY and some of Adelaides care is easier with 4 hands instead of 2. But she has good family support there in texas. Things are looking good. I see the OBGYN tomorrow to see if I need to go ahead with surgery. Thanks so much for everthing Paula or NMM.


by castelyn 21 Mar 2009

So glad to hear the update.
You and your family will be in my prayers still.

You must look after youself now and keep strong.


by iris2006 21 Mar 2009

So glas that Adelaide is recovering and home again. I can understand your feeling, mothers always want to do all things at the same time and be there where they are needed. Take care for yourself and I hope there come better times that yyou can enjoy Adelaide.

by marjialexa Moderator 21 Mar 2009

So glad Adelaide is doing better! Isn't Ronald McDonald House wonderful? My first late husband Richard was instrumental in getting one started in Buffalo, NY, and I often stayed there when he was in hospital. Now is the time for you to take care of YOU, so you can enjoy Adelaide for many years to come. You'll continue to be in my prayers, Paula. Love, Marji

by grandmamek 20 Mar 2009

I have sent you an email regarding the project linus subject. If you need any more info, my email address is

by grandmamek 19 Mar 2009

So happy to hear that she is improving. I know she loved the blankets. I am involved with Project Linus and have been for the past three years. It is such heart warming to be able to cheer up a child that is ill. I will continue to keep you, her and her family in my prayers.

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

Can you email me the site where I can get some more info about project linus please. My email is

by emily16838 19 Mar 2009

So glad to hear the update. Glad you get to sleep in your own bed...but us moms would like to be in two places at the same time.

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

I told Deana I wish I had a zipper so I could come home and stay with her both.

by memasanders 19 Mar 2009

I'm new here but I do know the importance of prayers and yall will be in mine.Gob Bless and give you peace.

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

I know you will enjoy it here all of the cutes are very helpful and genuin in thier caring ways.

by jrob Moderator 19 Mar 2009

Paula, Thank you for the update. My prayers on your behalf continue....I know your heart was heavy as you had to leave, but you need to get your strength up to be able to help anyone. Take care of yourself a few days.;)

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

I find it hard to care for me when others need me more.

by manami 19 Mar 2009

Thank you for the update. I'm so glad Adelaide is recovering after all she had to go through and so her family. I love the idea of making blankets, there are so many people in need nowadays... I'll keep you and Adelaide in my prayers. God bless you always, Yoriko

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

Thank you and god bless you also

by mariahail 19 Mar 2009

Thank you for letting us know, will continue praying for her and all the other people that are in need of praying,Blessings,

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

Thank you so much

by caydebug 19 Mar 2009

It is so good to hear from you and to know that Adelaide is on the road to recovery. Children are so speedy at getting over things. They don't want to lay around and moan like grownups do. Sending continued prayers your way for you and your family. Please take care.

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

It's funny that about kids healing fast. We met a Great Grandma at the hospital and she asked about Adelaide and she always said I would be balling and squalling if that was me. Thanks for the prayers

by blhamblen 19 Mar 2009

I am so glad that you reported in...we will need constant updates from you...The Linus project is wonderful...Also can't say enough about the generosity of Ronald McDonald's House...What would people do without either of them???

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

The road would be very lonely and rough with out others caring and helping ways

by mops Moderator 19 Mar 2009

Thank you for the update. It must be a relief for you that things are looking good for Adelaide. I hope you have good news yourself tomorrow.
What a nice idea to start making blankets.

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

Thank You

by gerryb 19 Mar 2009

Thank you so much for the update. It's always good to hear our prayers are being answered so quickly!

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

Thank you

by shirlener88 19 Mar 2009

Thank you for the update! I will keep you each in my prayers.

1 comment
nonmusicmom by nonmusicmom 19 Mar 2009

Thank you