Becky, go back to the store and ask someone to help you! That is unless you got it on line. Most places don't mind answering your questions. I WAS able to plug up & use my drive, but it's a very simple one...if I were having trouble with it, ASK!!!
Hubby bought the storage box and put a restored hard drive in it. It is called XtraStor USB 2.0.
Go to Start click my computer it should list all drives installed to show you name of new external hard drive. Open 2 Windows Explorer screens. Right Click select item to be "Copied" and go to new hard drive screen and paste it. If "old" drive is listed by folders and you want to copy all folders-select(click on it) one and hold down Ctrl key and A(Which is Windows short-cut key for all)at same time. It will select ALL your folders and you can right click to copy and then paste in new hard drive screen. It will copy ALL into new drive. For example, this will work in BuzzExplore when folder is selected and showing all designs in it you can click on 1 design hold Ctrl key and A at same time it will select ALL DESIGNS in that folder go to top of screen select BuzzTools and convert all of those designs at the same time instead of selecting 1 at a time to convert. It also offers option to delete original files after converting.(Don't recommend this until you are familar with doing this. Hope this is info you need - I am not an expert.
Aaaah! Have you connected the Ex.HD to your computer????
Plugged it into power supply and turned it on????
hnr, M
Do not 'drag & drop unless you have done this before as u can drop file into nowhere (of the desktop) Best to copy & paste or cut & paste. you can check if all has gone over by opening 2 windows explorer then clicking on the folder on your hard drive to open then in other explorer click computer then your external drive (?)(mine is H or K) shrink each explorer to take up half the screen click on each to scroll down the page. hope this helps.
You can also use the 2 screens to copy from one to the other. Do some practice first which you can delete if u don't want to leave
I go to my computer, open up the files I want and click Copy or move file, what ever I am doing at the time. Then a box opens up asking where I want it sent too. C drive is normally your internl hard drive, D or E can be your Cd drive, so look for the external hard drives name and click on it, then click move (or copy) if that is what you are doing and WALA... new files on your exteral hard drive.
Thanks Cracker, but I can't even find the drive listed. Think I'll just write them to CDs.
If you have your designs set up in organised folders on your "C" Drive you can copy the whole folder as Charlie suggested.
If you haven't organised your designs into folders, now would be a great opportunity to start, by creating individual folders on your Ex.HD and copying your designs into the new folders you have set up.
If you intend to do BACKUPS onto your Ex.HD you will need to format it first to make it NTFS format, otherwise your backups will be limited to about 4MB which is not large enough for most backups.
Right click on your windows Start button, you will see EXPLORE, select this and it will open Windows EXPLORER, showing everything on your system.
Find the DRIVE letter that refers to your new Ex.HD
DO NOT TOUCH "C" drive that's not it.
Depending on how many drive you have, i.e. CD-DVD reader/writer, it could be numbered D;E;F;G or any letter other than 'A' or 'C'.
Once you locate your EX.HD, rick click and scroll down to Format it should give you a choice, CHOOSE NTFS. and follow the prompts.
Once you have correctly formatted your EX.HD to NTFS it will give you all the same choices you can do with your ordinary 'C' Drive.
I hope this helps.
hugs n roses, Meganne
Thanks Meganne, I can't find the drive listed. I have uninstalled and re installed and still not there. Think I'll write them to CDs, lol much easier.
Becky I do not know what kind u have but mine, 1. has an icon on my cp screen when it is plugged into the computer, 2. I click on icon. 3. a screen comes up asking me what I want to save & gives me choices of my embroidery files, personal documents , pics etc. 4. I click on embroidery files. Mine is a simpletech One-Click backup& a booklet with instructions came with it. Of course my son n law had to explain te instructions to me but once he did I had no problems understanding. *4u
You can try to do a "send to" with a right click. OR
You can drag and drop the files from your C: drive to your exHD
you can copy C: drive(right click copy) and paste (right click) onto your exHD
Hope this helps! *
Thanks MissCharlie, I cannot even find the drive listed. Hubby couldn't figure it out either, so think I'll write them to CDs. He will figure it out later sometime, he always does.