by manami 27 Mar 2009

Hope you enjoy them. Love&hugs, Yoriko.

Goodnight from me :) very sleepy here...ZZZZZ
Have a great day!!!



by lflanders 28 Mar 2009

Thank you Yoriko for such a lovely garden alpha! I finished downloading it today but it may be awhile before I get to use it. I did not start the new alphabet although it it just beautiful. Looks like I might have to spend some time in the hospital in the next couple of weeks and I did not want to be disappointed that I had started and could not finish it. Not sure until I see wound care spec. on the 6th but will most likely have to have surgery on my legs again. I am terrified because the last surgery put me in a nursing home for 8 months and I was not but 57. I am 62 now and my arthritis is worse now than it was then, along with the other problems with my legs. I can not tell you how much I have enjoyed this group. There does not seem to be so much conflict here as on the Yahoo groups. Everyone here seems more than willing to help each other and do their best to encourage each other. This is the greatest group of guys and ladies that I have ever been in touch with for any length of time that everyone seems to get along real well! I appreciate all the wonderful designs that you have shared and all the advice that I have received. Everyone was just wonderful when my son had his heart attack on the 9th of this month and things seem to still be going on throughout all of our family. It has not left me alot of time to worry about myself or what is going to happen to me. I guess the Lord has His reasons for everything and we all just have to accept it and go on the best we can. I am praying that my surgery can be out-patient this time but I just don't know, especially since my son is not able to help take care of me at all. One Dr. is saying surgery but it is not the Dr. that would be doing the surgery IF it has to be done. I am more worried about my 2 Pekingese than I am myself. The 13 yr old has cancer and my son and his wife will not pet and pamper her the way she is used to being treated and the 4 yr. old that I adopted is a little on the wild side(puppy) and they always have their grandchildren around. My girls are not used to being around children. My 2 Pekingese are MY CHILDREN. If I had to come home and not have them, I would not make it. Bebe has been with me since the day she was born and I am the only mommy that Patty remembers. Her 1st human mommy died and left her without a mommy. She was terrified when I went to Tennessee and picked her up from her foster home. She is attached to me like glue. She is so afraid of being left alone again. She does not like my son!!!! Bebe adores him! She lived with most of her life. He did not leave home until he was 37 and he is just 42 now. She lived with him while I was in the nursing home before, while my legs healed. I was flat on my back for 8 months, with my legs propped in the air. I almost lost my legs that time but they are not that bad now. Thanks again! Linda in Ga

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Dear Linda, I'm so sorry that you are going through health problems. I'll be praying the results will be ok on 6th and you will not need a surgery. Please take care of yourself, and be positive. God is good, and He is holding your hands too. Love&blessings, Yoriko

by manami 27 Mar 2009

Dear Cuties, thank you for your kind comments. ***2all. Love, Yoriko

by nonna57 27 Mar 2009

Thanks Yoriko, Just waiting for the Y. Now I can get busy :)

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Are you going to post on projects? I cant wait to see it! :) Love,Yoriko

by abeille78 27 Mar 2009

Bonjour Yoriko!
Good morning Yoriko... It s time for you now to wake up and come back on Cute's news... and it is time now for me in France to go to bed....

Many thanks for this beautiful garden alpha now completed... and the new sakura one you have started.

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Monique, many thanks to you! Beautiful people like you keep me motivated to create. If everyone was like you...I'm sure we would beat every bad days! Thanks again! Sweet dreams. Love,Yoriko

by jrob Moderator 27 Mar 2009

Thanks sweetie.;)

by marietta 27 Mar 2009

Thank you Yoriko. "Lekker slaap".

1 comment
manami by manami 27 Mar 2009

Thank you, Marietta!! It's 7:11 am...Good morning!!! (how to say good morning in Afrikaans?)

by bokkieborduur 27 Mar 2009

hI manami, I am going to lost this alpha e-f because this site wont open tonight. this is waht happened when the garden alpha was on I lost the W
Thanks Marie.

marietta by marietta 27 Mar 2009

I also thought I was going to lose some, but it was on the next morning, in time to still download. Good luck

manami by manami 27 Mar 2009

Dear Marie, the link I put there doesnt work for some reason. Try this link or the one Adelmarie put in her answer.


by clawton 27 Mar 2009

Thank you so much for sharing this alpha. It is so pretty. I have it complete. THANKS

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Many thanks to you, Clawton!

by darenluan 27 Mar 2009

Thank you, beautiful alpha's. We apprecite your work.*******

by blhamblen 27 Mar 2009

THANX so MUCH for the Alpha's..You do wonderful work:)

by kathyjt 27 Mar 2009

Thanks you so very much they are very lovely. *4u

by iris2006 27 Mar 2009

Thanks Yoriko

by memasanders 27 Mar 2009

Can't get the page right now I'll try later but thanks in advance I'm sure they are beautiful.

1 comment
manami by manami 27 Mar 2009

I'm so sorry, I mispelled the address :(
Click the link Adelmarie's given in her answer. Love,Yoriko

by mops Moderator 27 Mar 2009

Thankyou, Yoriko, for the beautiful letters.

by mops Moderator 27 Mar 2009

Thankyou, Yoriko, for the beautiful letters.

by sissibrode 27 Mar 2009

Thanks Yoriko*

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Thank you!!! what a cute cat!

by gerryvb 27 Mar 2009

thank you Yoriko for the beautiful letters!

by shuede 27 Mar 2009

Thanks so much!

by anna25775 27 Mar 2009

thank you very much Yoriko and goodnight *

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Anna thank you!!

by reggirl 27 Mar 2009

Thankyou soooooooo much, I'm up late & I think I might have just got the previous ones before they changed to buy. Although I probably will have to buy some, as I missed a few earlier. I love the Japanese designs/artwork etc. We have had students stay with us from Japan many times, one stayed for 10 months... we didn't want her to go home from Australia. She is supposed to be coming out to visit soon... can't wait.
Thanks again & a *4u2

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Reggirl, thank you so much for your lovely comment and support. Where are you in Australia?

by adelmarie 27 Mar 2009

Thanks for sharing with us, you did a beautiful work with both but I have to confess I really love the sukura lace! *2U

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Dear Adelmarie, many thanks to you!!!

by caydebug 27 Mar 2009

Thanks Yoriko, Get some sleep. Just getting up here. Thank you for the Alphas. Their just fantastic. Libbie

1 comment
manami by manami 28 Mar 2009

Libbie many thanks to you!!!