wish I could help you but I am waiting for the answer too. *4u all
You dont even have to have a special program for it. If you have a Windows operative system click the right button of your mouse over a file and a menu will show up, one of the options should say rename. Click on rename and it should allow you to change the name right on spot.
I probably didn't explain myself properly.
I have a freebie design that has a child's name already on it, and I want to put my daughter's name on it instead. The name is in a separate color in the design, so I thought I could just change it but don't know how.
It depends on your machine and software. Can you change a design either on your computer or on the machine. If not maybe you could sew out the design but leave out the name and then just create the lettering of the name you want and position it in the same place as the other name.What are you using? maybe someone here has the same and can help more. There also may be copyright issues you may need to check into.
I've got a Janome 1001 and Customizer software if anyone can help answer the question.