by manami 30 Mar 2009

back up your important files, be safe. I really don't understand what is wrong with this people, anyway, I hope you are safe.

Love&blessings, Yoriko

Here's a good info about this 'virus'


by marjialexa Moderator 31 Mar 2009

Everybody should click on Yoriko's link and read the whole thing! This is a bad virus, but if you have really good anti-virus protection you should be ok. The Norton site gives you lots of good reasons to not use all the "popup" supposedly anti-spyware & anti-virus stuff that comes up free. If you're on the internet, you need good, paid anti-virus software. Norton's is good, Macafee also, and others I'm sure Meganne knows. Please do not be on the internet without these, and please know the sites you're going to! My Macafee has a site monitor that tells me if the site is questionable or 'red' before I get there. Please, please, if you do anything, BACKUP your files, and run good protection. You'll save money in the long run, not having to try and get your computer fixed when it crashes. Love you all, Marji

by sissibrode 31 Mar 2009

I'm going to save my files on an external disc. Thanks Yoriko. should we avoid downloading the april 1st ???

by adelmarie 30 Mar 2009

Thanks for the reminder, My husband warned me yesterday about doing a backup of my files today, we are doing a complete back up of the coumputers today as the virus will not be active until the 1st. We ususally back up files every wenesday but we are doing it before the scheduled day this time. *2U

by shirlener88 30 Mar 2009

Yoriko, thanks for the info.

by mad14kt 30 Mar 2009

Thanks for keeping us informed ;D *2U

by sqdancer 30 Mar 2009

Thank you Yoriko, there always has to be some screwball out there right !!! take care hugs G x0x0x0x

by modo 30 Mar 2009


by blhamblen 30 Mar 2009

I had heard that this is one that even the geeks are fearing!!!

by memasanders 30 Mar 2009

Thank you darling I had forgotten about it.

by pennifold 30 Mar 2009

Thanks for the warning Yoriko. I just got one from a friend in Sydney too about another major virus called POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK. It is saying do not open even if you know who has sent it to you. It is a MAJOR VIRUS - DO NOT OPEN.

Love and blessings for keeping us on our toes. Love Chris