by tyco4357 02 Apr 2009

I am trying to do 3 parrots. I am using running stitch. I erased the backgrounds in corel and cropped. One picture I have no background which is perfect for the other 2 have a white square background which I don't want. How do I get rid of it? Anyone know?


by marietta 02 Apr 2009

Sorry cannot help, but want to say welcome to Cute. I hope you enjoy the site even more.

by cuddlebear 02 Apr 2009

Hi Tyco, I use generations to digitise designs, and it has a box you tick when you are importing the design that allows you to NOT generate the background colour. It also has the facility to automatically pick the background colour, or for you to manually pick it.
Photostitch may have a similar function. Hope this helps.
Welcome to the cute site :)
Cheers, Claire

by marjialexa Moderator 02 Apr 2009

No, I don't really know, but that's never stopped me from answering before, hee hee hee. I have Janome Digitizer Pro, and if I import jpegs I get a white background. If I'm manually ditigizing, that's no problem, but if I'm doing something quickly that's very simple in auto, it will digitize the background as well. So, before I digitize, I have Paint, and I make the background colour something like a neon green. Then, I go into the menu in Digitizer that lets me fix the picture, set the number of colors, etc., make sure I've got what I want in the photo. Auto digitize gives me the option of setting colors as fill, detail, or omit. I just omit the background that I've made neon green, and voila, no background. I don't know how photostitch works (neon green with envy, hee hee hee, I want it!), but if it's anything like Digitizer Pro, you might try setting the background to a color that won't be used in the design & omitting it. Best of luck, and a big big WELCOME to the Cute Community!!!! Marji

1 comment
tyco4357 by tyco4357 02 Apr 2009

So maybe if I bring it back to corel and change the background color I might be able to get rid of it. I will try that. thanks so much