by mops Moderator 04 Apr 2009

would like to ask you all to click daily. As a European I do, although it's an American site. Let's all join in!


by bdrouin 04 Apr 2009

I click on the button everytime I go on the web. So if I need to go on more than once a day (it's my start up page so I don't forget).I will have clicked more than 1 in the day. It helps make up for the days (rare) when I don't go on the web at all. You might want to click on starting and click before exiting. There is nothing saying that the site only accepts one vote per day from your IP address.

by iris2006 04 Apr 2009

Thanks MArtine, I added the link in my daily file so I cannot forget.

by meganne 04 Apr 2009

I also click daily.

In Australia women over 50 are given FREE mammograms.

I think this service should be available for every woman in the world and I am sad that it isn't but at least we can contribute.

I also buy lots of goodies from the US BC website, which also helps contribute to free mammograms for American women, in fact I placed another order for $US 95.00 worth of goods yesterday.

I can't help it, if it's for cancer patients, research or support I just have to contribute.

Please don't forget you can sponsor my walk to raise funds for BC research:

hugs n love, Meganne

1 comment
mops by mops 04 Apr 2009

In the Netherlands it's free for 50 - 75 yrs old, once every two years. They come to the village, so it won't take much of your time. And I too can't skip anything contributing to cancer research, prevention or early detection.

by manami 04 Apr 2009

Thank you Martine, it will be in my 'daily to do list' :)

1 comment
mops by mops 04 Apr 2009

I click for the daily reminder by e-mail, so I won't forget.

by jrob Moderator 04 Apr 2009

It is my first stop daily as well.;)

by maryjo 04 Apr 2009

Try this link. I go there and click first thing every morning when I log on.

by shirlener88 04 Apr 2009

Martine, can you add the link?

1 comment
mops by mops 04 Apr 2009

Sorry, I forgot to upload before submitting. Luckily maryjo did!

by mops Moderator 04 Apr 2009

And here's the link.