by manami 14 Apr 2009

Have you voted today? There are only 17 days left!!!

by shirlener88 08 Apr 2009

Yoriko, thanks for the reminder. *4U

by mops Moderator 08 Apr 2009

There are 23 days left and they are at 20% of their target. At this rate they aren't going to make it. So please, vote!

by manami 08 Apr 2009

Have you voted today? Hugs,Yoriko

by iris2006 07 Apr 2009

I added this link to my bookmarks, ev ery day I start the computer I click and tink of Meganne and all the other women facing this terrible desease. Thanks Yoriko.

by dailylaundry 07 Apr 2009

This deserves to be bumped up!!! Click everyday!!

by meganne 07 Apr 2009

Thanks Yoriko I click it everyday to help our US Cuties and I purchase Pink ribbon merchandise and give it to friends.

Please Cuties, don't forget everyone can sponsor my Mothers' Day Classic Walk, on May 10th, to raise funds for breast cancer research:


I would not wish cancer, or chemo on my worst enemy (if i had one)!!!

We MUST find a cure!!!!

Australia is just one of 50 Countries, working in collaboration, to find a cure to PREVENT breast cancer and every dollar helps, so please give whatever you can afford..

All you need is a Mastercard or Visa and remember Leave the "State" in details blank.

Hugs n blessings, Meganne

1 comment
manami by manami 08 Apr 2009

Meg, I'm with you all the way...dont forget that! Love you, Yoriko

by waterlily 07 Apr 2009

Thanks for the reminder!!

by blhamblen 07 Apr 2009

I am so glad you posted ...we should do this EVERYTIME we vote for CUTE!!!

by pennifold 07 Apr 2009

Clicked on there. Thanks Yoriko for the reminder. Love and blessings Chris